EDMONTON, ALBERTA, August 19, 2016 — Are you an Edmonton Oilers fan? Have you already gotten your ticket for the 2016 Stollery Children’s Hospital Foundation Mighty Millions Lottery? If you answered yes to both of these questions, you’ll want to have your eyes and ears peeled on October 11th because the Bonus Prize, comprised of season tickets for two to the Edmonton Oilers PLUS $10,000 cash, is being drawn then. Don’t have your ticket yet? The next deadline is November 10 for the Early Bird. See full article for details and links.
Alberta Lotteries News Articles
2016 Alberta SPCA Christmas Cash Lottery Has Started
ALBERTA, September 27, 2016 — Winter is coming… and so is Christmas which means the return of the Christmas Cash Lottery! Don’t miss your chance to win one of 35 cash prizes that will be awarded this season, including the two $10,000 Early Bird prizes. Purchase your tickets by November 22 for your chance to win and support the well-being and protection of Alberta’s animals. See full article for details and links
Alberta Cancer Foundation Cash & Cars Lottery Early Bird Draw is October 6th
EDMONTON, AB, September 29, 2016 — If you’ve supported the Alberta Cancer Foundation Cash & Cars Lottery and purchased a ticket, make sure to hold onto it tight! As the lottery’s name states, make room in your driveway for the Early Bird prize, because the Draw is October 6th, and it sure is a big one! See full article for details and links.
2016 Stollery Children’s Hospital Foundation Mighty Millions Lottery Bonus Prize Ticket Sales deadline is October 6th
EDMONTON, ALBERTA, September 29, 2016 — Who doesn’t love a good bonus? As a reward for being quick on your feet and buying tickets early, the Stollery Children’s Hospital Foundation Mighty Millions Lottery has a Bonus Prize that might make some hockey fans ears really perk up. The deadline is drawing near- October 6th to be exact, so get your tickets today! See full article for prize details and links.
Caritas Dream Life Lottery SPLIT 50, 12 Days, and Final Draw sales cut-offs are next week
EDMONTON, AB, September 27, 2016 — The 2016 Caritas Dream Life Lottery is spicing up fall with a $200,000+ SPLIT 50 jackpot, 12 Days of Cash prizes to award, and an impressive $1.8 Million Grand Prize Home with unique entertaining features and sleek, modern finishes throughout the home. Ticket sales deadlines are October 6th, and supporting the lottery means supporting Covenant Health Facilities- making the lives of thousands of Albertans better each day. See full article for details and links.
Kinsmen Lotto for the Alberta Children’s Hospital Winners Announced
CALGARY, AB, September 19, 2016 — There were so many prizes to give away in the Kinsmen Lotto that it took two days to draw them all! Two showhomes, countless electronic prizes, vehicles, dream vacations, and more were awarded. The complete winners list is now available. Are you on it? See article for top winners and link to complete list.
Caritas Dream Life Lottery Early Bird Draw ticket sales deadline is September 22nd
EDMONTON, AB, September 15, 2016 — If someone handed you the keys to 2016 Mercedes AMG GT S with a combined fuel consumption of 9.6-9.4 l/100km and a CO2 emission combined of 224-219 g/km what would you say? And if they told you the car would be waiting for you after you got home from your French Riviera Luxury Tour, then what would you say? Hard to believe but you could be asked just these questions if you win the 2016 Caritas Dream Life Lottery Early Bird Draw. But you need to buy a ticket to win first! See full article for details and links.
Alberta Cancer Foundation Cash & Cars Lottery Early Bird Sales Deadline is September 22nd
CALGARY, AB, September 15, 2016 — Do you need a tropical getaway, a chance to unwind and put your feet up? Or maybe you have your eye on a new car, a credit card bill to pay off, or a savings account to stock up? With the 2016 Alberta Cancer Foundation Early Bird Draws, you can have it all, and then some. But you have to act fast! The ticket deadline is just around the corner on September 22nd. See full article for details and links.
2016 Caritas Dream Life Lottery Loyalty Draw Winners Announced
EDMONTON, AB, September 12, 2016 — Two winners were drawn on August 31 for the Loyalty Draw in the 2016 Caritas Dream Home Lottery. Did you buy your tickets before the deadline? Maybe you’ve won! The next deadline is for the Early Bird draw. Grab your tickets before the deadline at the end of the month so you don’t miss out!See full article for winners and prize details
2016 Summer Friends for Life Lottery Final Winners Released
EDMONTON, AB, September 11, 2016 — Did you support the Edmonton Humane Society this summer? If so, you may be a winner in their 2016 Summer Friends for Life Lottery. All the draws have now been completed and we’ve got the complete list of winners. Are you on it? See full article for details on winners.