PRINCE GEORGE, BC, October 13, 2016 — For only $20 a ticket, you could win up to $40,000 and support the local team before the season even begins! The odds are 1 in 4,250 or better if you purchase in packs of 5 for $80. Interested? You only have until this Sunday, October 16 to buy-in to this fundraiser. See full article for purchase links
BC Lotteries News Articles
BC Children’s Hospital Dream Lottery Final Ticket Sales deadline is Midnight October 14th
VANCOUVER, BC, October 7, 2016 — For $100, you could contribute to ground-breaking research at BC Children’s Hospital AND purchase three tickets in their fundraising lottery. There are six Grand Prizes to choose from, including an Okanagan Lakeside Home package which comes with $80,000 in furnishings, a BMW X6, Toyota Sequoia, Chase Campion Boat with trailer, and $450,000 cash. Which of the six options would you choose? Buy three tickets for $100, or increase your odds and grab 20 for $500! See full article for details – deadline is next Friday
Final Deadline is around the corner for the 2016 Prince George Spruce Kings Pre-Season Mega 50/50 Lottery!
PRINCE GEORGE, BC, October 3, 2016 — The Spruce Kings Junior A Hockey Club has launched a brand new lottery, where half of your ticket purchase will support the club, and the other half could come back to you and then some! The 50/50 winnings could reach $40,000 if all 4,250 tickets are sold- and for only $20 each, or in packs of 5 for $80, they probably won’t last long! The deadline to purchase is October 16. See full article for details and links
Prince George Hospice Dream Home Lottery Early Bird #4 Deadline is coming up October 7th
PRINCE GEORGE, BC, October 3, 2016 — The beauty of gift cards is the freedom to purchase whatever you like, without the temptation to spend it just anywhere. The Prince George Hospice Dream Home Lottery has got your gift card needs covered with its Early Bird #4 prize- valued at $6,000! This final Early Bird prize is perfect for those quick grocery shop visits, or even for a total home improvement shopping spree! But you have to hurry if you want in on the action; the deadline for Early Bird tickets is 5 pm, October 7th! See full article for details and links.
BC Children’s Hospital Dream Lottery End of Summer Bonus Draw is next week! Early Bird cut-off is on Thursday!
VANCOUVER, BC, September 30, 2016 — The “End of Summer Bonus Draw” for the BC Children’s Hospital Dream Lottery is on Friday, October 7th at 11 am. The winner of the draw has the hard task of choosing between THREE exciting prizes. A brand new 2016 Toyota Rav 4 Hybrid XLE, OR a $27,000 Luxury Vacation with $7,000 Cash, OR $32,000 cash could be yours. See full article for details and links.
2016 BC Children’s Hospital Dream Lottery Early Winners Announced
Vancouver, BC, September 25, 2016 — How long ago did you buy your BC Children’s Hospital Dream Lottery ticket? You may have been eligible in the Appreciation or Summer Bonus prize draws. The winners have been announced. Do you know them? See full article for details and winners names
Appreciation and Summer Bonus Draws for BC Children’s Hospital Dream Lottery
Vancouver, BC, September 21, 2016 — The early birds get the worm, or in this case, the choice between three prizes worth over $30,000! Both the Appreciation and Summer Bonus Draws take place on Friday, and if you purchased your ticket before the deadlines on August 18 and September 1 then you will be entered to win! Tickets for the Early Bird and Final Prize draws are still on sale, what are you waiting for? See article for details
2016 PNE Prize Home Lottery Major Winners Named
BURNABY, BC, September 13, 2016 — Did you win a house or a car? If you bought a ticket while taking in all the fun at this year’s PNE, then you very well may have. But there’s only one way to know for sure…grab your ticket stub and get ready…here is the list of this year’s major 2016 PNE Prize Home Lottery winners. Is your name on the list? See full article for details.
BC Children’s Hospital Dream Lottery Appreciation Draw is Friday, September 23rd. End of Summer Deadline is TONIGHT.
Vancouver, BC, September 15, 2016 — There are FOUR early draws in this year’s lottery, with prize choices worth over $30,000 each! Have you bought your ticket yet? The first two draws are next week, but there is still time to get your name in for the End of Summer and Early Bird Draws. Deadline is TONIGHT. See article for details
2016 VSO Fall Lottery Has Just Launched
VANCOUVER, BC, September 8, 2016 — The VSO Fall lottery is back! Your ticket purchase will help the VSO bring world-renowned artists to Vancouver, as well as enrich the lives of BC students and adults through their educational and community programs. The Grand Prize is the choice between three options, valued at $50,000 or more! There are also TEN Early Bird prizes, if you purchase before November 18 then you’ll be entered for all these, plus the final prize draw in February. See full article for details