WINNIPEG, MB, Saturday, January 9, 2021 — The St. Boniface Mega Million Choices Lottery is back for 2021, with 6 millionaire Grand Prize choices, including homes in Winnipeg, a Brandon home and a stunning cottage in Clear Lake, and a gorgeous ocean-view yacht suite on Vancouver Island – or, take $1,200,000 CASH.
As always, this lottery is all about choices – and every single prize has a cash option!
Order early to get in Bonus Draws and 26 Early Bird Draws, plus you can win gift cards, electronics, vehicles, and more. And, there’s even more to win with your Big Score PLUS and 50/50 PLUS tickets – including half a jackpot that could reach $2.1 MILLION.
It’s easy to get your tickets for the 2021 St. Boniface Mega Million Choices Lottery! It only takes a moment to click or call, but a win could last you a lifetime.
Order online at stbmegamillionchoices.ca or by phone at (204) 256-7203.
Here’s what you can win with your Mega Million Choices Lottery tickets:
- 6 Grand Prize choices: Choose a stunning Signature Home in Bridgwater Trails, Winnipeg – or a J&G Home in Brandon plus a Clear Lake area Cottage – or a Vancouver Island Surfside Yacht Suite in Sooke, B.C. – or a beautiful Hearth Home in Charleswood – or an Irwin Home in East St. Paul. This year’s biggest Grand Prize package is worth over $1.5 MILLION. Or take $1.2 million tax-free cash!
- Order early, win more: Get your tickets for the over $34,000 Loyalty Bonus Draw (Deadline to buy: Thursday, January 28, 2021) and the over $63,000 Ultimate Bonus Draw, and the huge Early Bird Draws – with 26 draws and over $255,000 in prizes to win.
- Big Score PLUS – 120 total winners! An extra $156,000 in prizes is up for grabs
- 50/50 PLUS – Winner takes half! Jackpot could reach $2,100,000

Most importantly, your ticket purchases make the difference at St. Boniface Hospital. When you win, Manitobans win.
Say ‘Yes’ – and build the next 150 years at St. Boniface Hospital: Manitoba, with your tickets, you’re supporting 150 years of compassionate care at St. Boniface Hospital. Now, more than ever, we need your continued support.
Every lottery ticket purchase is a small yet impactful promise for us to keep building on a legacy of caring for patients with dignity, compassion, and medical excellence. Your ticket is an investment in top-level research – and breakthroughs to help Manitobans, and people around the world, live better. From labour and delivery to end-of-life care, you can be there for our patients.
Let’s take the next step together, and help all Manitobans.
Thank you for saying ‘yes’.
Thank you for your ticket purchase!
“2021 marks 150 years of compassionate care at St. Boniface Hospital. Through your purchase of a lottery ticket, you enable the Hospital to offer the highest quality of care, perform world-class research right here in Manitoba, and aid in the purchase of specialized equipment. With your help, we are looking forward to supporting excellence in patient care and research at St. Boniface Hospital for another 150 years!”
– Karen Fowler, Interim President and CEO, St. Boniface Hospital Foundation
Order online at the Mega Million Choices Website

By Phone: (204) 256-7203
Toll-Free: 1 (855) 256-7203
Tickets: 1 for $100 / 2 for $175 / 4 for $300 / 8 for $500
- 50/50 PLUS tickets are 2 for $20 / 8 for $40 / 30 for $60
- Big Score PLUS tickets are 2 for $20 / 5 for $40 / 10 for $60
50/50 PLUS and Big Score PLUS tickets can only be purchased if a 2021 St. Boniface Hospital Mega Million Choices Lottery main ticket has been purchased.
License Numbers: LGCA 1517-RF-35109, LGCA 1517-RF-35110, LGCA 1517-RF-35111