WINDSOR, Ontario, April 5, 2021 — Ticket sales are now open for the Windsor Regional Hospital Foundation’s April MEGA MONTHLY 50/50. As of 9am today, the event is live with a guaranteed prize of $7,999.
This month will feature TWO $1,000 Early Bird prizes on Wednesday, April 14th and Wednesday, April 21st, both drawn at 11:59am. The final draw will take place on Friday, April 30th at 11:59am. February’s winner, Randy Halmo, won $93,025.
March’s winner Randy Halmo, is a wedding DJ from Simcoe, Ontario. When he found out he won BIG on March 26th, he was singing a happy tune.
“It’s quite a shock,” he says. “I’m a little emotional right now.”
After hearing about the lottery online and with frontline workers in hospitals struggling to care for patients with COVID-19, he decided to purchase tickets.
“It’s nice to win the money but most important, we need to support all of our hospitals right across Canada with COVID-19, “ he says. “Even when COVID-19 isn’t here, it is important to support hospitals.”
The wedding industry has been hit over the past year because of the pandemic, so the money comes at a perfect time for Halmo who celebrates a milestone anniversary in a few months.
“We are celebrating our 30th wedding anniversary on May 18th and we are going to take some of the money and do a daytrip,” he says adding the money will also be used to pay some bills and invest in long-term savings.
Proceeds from the Windsor Regional Hospital Foundation’s 50/50 draws have supported the purchase of critically needed medical equipment across both the Ouellette and Met campuses. Equipment purchases have included a state-of-the-art 3D Digital Mammography machine, and vital cardiology, diagnostic, and critical care equipment.
If you are in Ontario and 18 years of age and older, you can purchase your tickets online between now and Friday, April 30th at 11:59am. You must use Safari or Chrome or your mobile device to access the link.
Tickets are 10 for $10, 50 for $25 or 250 for $50.

Tickets are 10 for $10, 50 for $25 or 250 for $50.
Lottery License #RAF1197031