New Westminster, BC, June 22, 2022 — The draw date is quickly approaching! Get your tickets for Royal Columbian Hospital Foundation’s 50/50 lottery! Support care for BC’s most seriously ill and injured patients, while also getting a chance to win BIG.
With a jackpot now over $39,000, how high will Royal Columbian Hospital Foundation’s 50/50 climb?
The deadline is fast approaching! Just a week away from the deadline to purchase tickets!

Help Royal Columbian Hospital Foundation’s 50/50 Jackpot reach record levels! Michael W., the winner of their last jackpot took home a prize of $53,265. You could be next when they draw on June 30!
Tickets are 10 for $10, 50 for $20 and 250 for $40 (Best value)!
Deadline to purchase tickets is Wednesday June 29, 2022 at 11:59:59 p.m. Enter now for a chance to win big and help Royal Columbian Hospital Foundation. The lucky winner gets half the final jackpot!
Buy tickets today! Tickets must be purchased on their website.
About Royal Columbian Hospital:
From the beginning, Royal Columbian Hospital has stood at the heart of health care in British Columbia. Created by visionary pioneers to provide compassionate care to those building a new province, we have participated in the social and economic changes of British Columbia since 1862. Today, we are one of British Columbia’s busiest hospitals, serving a population of close to two million people. We are a regional referral hospital for cardiac, trauma, neurosciences, high-risk maternity and neonatal intensive care. No other hospital in the province provides all of these services, at this level of care, on one site. We provide the highest level of care to the most critically ill and injured from throughout the province.
“They were so friendly that I cannot forget their service in my life at all… Me, my wife and my daughter, we chat every day about them. And I do remember all of their names.” —Kulwant Samra in reference to his health care team at Royal Columbian Hospital.
Struggling for breath as he battled COVID-19, Mr. Samra called 911 before stumbling to the ground as the ambulance arrived. He requested oxygen, and then the next thing he remembers is waking up in the ICU eight weeks later.
Kulwant was able to connect with his daughter by video call after coming back to consciousness. Unable to speak due to the tubes in his mouth, he wrote on paper. 1-4-3. Code for “I love you”.
“She couldn’t understand what the 1-4-3 meant” he laughs.
Such was the excellent care of his medical team, the nurses in particular, that Mr. Samra has developed a special affinity for those who helped him when he needed it most.
Kulwant was able to leave Royal Columbian and return home straight from the ICU two weeks after his first memory of the ICU. Dr. Steve Reynolds, Royal Columbian Hospital critical care physician, had looked after him while he was on life support and was so happy to see him doing much better, sitting up and waving and waiting to head back to his family.
Discover more about the Royal Columbian Hospital Foundation.

*open to BC residents only, must be 19+ to play, BCLC Licence #133017. Actual odds of winning are dependent on the number of tickets sold. Know your limit, play within it.