Toronto, ON, March 24, 2022 — Buy your 50/50 tickets now for the chance at the ultimate win/win! The winner receives 50% of all proceeds and the remaining 50% supports West Park Healthcare Centre’s critical mission to help people overcome enormous health challenges and get their lives back.
Tickets are 5 for $10, 30 for $20, 150 for $50, and 300 for $75.
Visit West Park Lottery to see the running jackpot total and purchase your tickets today. The more tickets they sell, the greater the jackpot will be!
Sales close March 29 and the winning ticket number will be drawn on March 30.

Purchase a 50/50 ticket and you will be helping West Park patients like Rashmi Sanjay. In early 2017, this 40-year-old mother of two was diagnosed with a rare tumour on her spinal cord that threatened to paralyze her from the neck down.
Rashmi underwent a six-hour surgery, with no guarantee that she would ever walk again. Seven days later, she arrived at West Park Healthcare Centre.
“I came in on a stretcher – I couldn’t walk, I had pain in my neck, and I needed help using the washroom and getting dressed,” she recalls. To add to the challenge, intense pain interfered with her rehabilitation.
But Rashmi had a goal – to get back to her children, Rhea and Eshan, who were nine and seven at the time.
“The therapists at West Park were phenomenal,” she says. “They didn’t tell me what to do – they listened to how I was feeling and worked around that.”
She was buoyed up by the support she received from the entire West Park community. Even the cleaning staff got to know her, and urged her to keep going. “Everyone was so positive and encouraging,” she says. “It really gives you a boost to know that everyone is standing with you.”
Less than four weeks into her stay, Rashmi returned home. “Walking into my own house and seeing the children and their ‘welcome home’ cards was very emotional. I couldn’t have been happier.”
You can find a video of Rashmi’s inspirational journey on West Park’s website, along with the other videos in West Park’s “I Am Not Done” series.

Don’t miss your chance to win a cash prize while championing a great cause, helping West Park patients get back to their families and the lives they love. The perfect win/win!
West Park Healthcare Centre is in the west end of Toronto and provides specialized rehabilitative and complex care after a life‐altering illness or injury such as lung disease, amputation, stroke, and traumatic musculoskeletal injuries.
West Park is building a new hospital and transforming its 27-acre site into an integrated campus of care, enabling the hospital to evolve its rehabilitative programs to meet Ontario’s future healthcare needs.
By purchasing a 50/50 ticket, you are supporting the important life-changing healthcare services that West Park provides to people across the province.
Purchasers must be 18 years of age or older and in Ontario at the time of purchase. In order to purchase tickets online, the website is required to know your location. Please ensure your device settings have Location Services enabled and you allow the website the access your location. The full Lottery Rules of Play can be found at the West Park Lottery website.
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