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You Could Win BIG Tonight!

Ontario, February 24, 2022 — Play Online Now!

How does $345,000 in your pocket sound? Play SickKids Catch the Ace — Ontario’s favourite and biggest Catch the Ace and you could win it all tonight. Tickets start at only $10 and you only have a few hours left to get your tickets for a chance to win big!

The Jackpot is over $332,000 and it could be yours if you know which envelope contains the Ace of Spades. Even if you don’t find the Ace you could win the Weekly Prize, which is already over $13,000. Tickets start at only $10, so buy yours before the 6 p.m. deadline.

Over $5.6 Million in cash prizes have won by Ontarians in SickKids Catch the Ace and there’s much more to come! Get your tickets now and your name could be added to the winners’ list TONIGHT!

Play SickKids Catch the Ace online. It’s a simple and great way to support SickKids.

☑ Visit SickKids Ace – Buy Your Tickets and Select Your Lucky Envelope
☑ Follow the Prize Growth until the draw deadline of 6:00 p.m. TONIGHT!
☑ If Your Ticket is Drawn – YOU WIN 20% of Weekly Sales
☑ If Your Lucky Envelope Contains the Ace of Spades – YOU ALSO WIN 30% of ALL Campaign Sales
☑ Feel good knowing that 50% of all ticket sales go to help build a new SickKids

For more information visit SickKids Ace


SickKids LL#RAF1225735. Charitable Registration #10808 4419 RR0001. Please play responsibly. Ontario Problem Gambling Hotline 1-866-531-2600 or visit ConnexOntario.

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Canuck Place 50/50 sales close at midnight!

VANCOUVER, BC, February 23, 2022 — The jackpot for the Canuck Place 50/50 is over $270,000, but YOUR help is needed to grow it even more by tonight’s midnight deadline and hit the goal of a $350,000!

If you haven’t purchased your tickets yet: this is it! Buy your tickets today before the chance to enter the 50/50 draw is gone! Your ticket purchases will help provide exceptional care for children with life-threatening illnesses and the families who love them in BC and the Yukon.

Buy by midnight! Sales close in:

This is it – less than a day left to purchase your 50/50 tickets! Deadline is TONIGHT at midnight.

Fall 2021 50/50 winner Carol, who won half of the $398,240 jackpot, has some words of encouragement for anyone who is still thinking about buying your tickets. Carol says:

The first thing I’d tell them is don’t hesitate. I mean, the money is going to a great cause. Everybody wins.

Do you want your chance to be the next winner? Buy your Winter 2022 50/50 tickets before midnight tonight for your chance!

Sales close at midnight! Purchase your ticket before it’s too late for your chance at splitting the jackpot! Good luck!

Thank you to our sponsors


About Canuck Place Children’s Hospice

Canuck Place is British Columbia and the Yukon’s pediatric palliative care provider for children with life-threatening illnesses and the families who love them. Our team of physicians, nurses, counsellors, therapists, staff, and volunteers provide medical respite care, pain and symptom management, art, music, and recreation therapy, end-of-life care, grief, loss, and bereavement counselling in our Vancouver and Abbotsford hospices and in communities across BC and Yukon. All at no cost to the families.

We are here with love, care, and guidance when and where families need us the most. Your ticket purchase today will help make this care possible.

Ticket Sales End: Wednesday, February 23 at midnight PST
Draw Date:  Friday, February 25 at 11:00 AM PST
Tickets can be purchased by British Columbia residents over 19 years of age.

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Last Day to Win a Luxury Cadillac SUV!

VANCOUVER, BC, February 23, 2022 — This is your last chance to cruise away in a remarkable Cadillac! Don’t miss out! Get your  RBC JCC Sports Dinner Cadillac Raffle and 50/50 Draw by 8:30 TONIGHT!

You would look amazing behind the wheel of this new 2022 Luxury Cadillac XT5, courtesy of Dueck Auto Group. Valued at over $52,000 this remarkably designed SUV feels tailored just for you. With lots of cargo room, heated leather seats and elegant finishes, you’ll want to take the long way home!

Act now to win! Don’t let this chance slip away.

But that’s not all you could win! The 50/50 Draw Jackpot is over $16,000! The lucky winner will go home with half the pot– it could be YOU!

Buy your tickets before the clock runs out!

Cadillac Raffle tickets start at 1 for $50 or 3 for $100
50/50 Draw tickets start at 5 for $10.

Final draw is February 23, with winners announced Live during the RBC JCC Sports Dinner gala broadcast. Attendance is not necessary to win.

Your Cadillac Raffle or 50/50 Draw purchase helps build a better tomorrow for children, families and seniors in need at the JCC of Greater Vancouver. Thanks to your support, our charity is able to provide scholarships for teen leadership and lifeguard training, subsidized preschool and meal delivery for seniors.

Main Lottery: 8,500 total tickets; BC Gaming Licence: #131000
50/50: 196,000 total tickets; BC Gaming Licence: #130992

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Deadline in

Ontario, February 23, 2022 — Buy Early and Win Even More for ONLY $25!

The VIP Prize deadline is THIS FRIDAY for the Rock the Road Raffle in support of Canadians affected by prostate cancer. The clock is ticking, and your tickets are waiting!

Order now and qualify for the 10 all-cash VIP Prizes just for buying early. Plus, you will also be entered to win the 3 new Early Bird Prizes of $10,000 Cash!

The BIG WINS continue with 4 new all-cash Grand Prizes! Two lucky winners will get a $50,000 Grand Prize, one will win $25,000 Cash, and another will win $15,000. Order now for your chance to win big!

Last, but certainly not least, you could win the Super Grand Prize and get to CHOOSE YOUR PRIZE!

Which prize would you choose if your ticket is the winner:

  • 2022 Porsche 911 Carrera Cabriolet convertible
  • 2022 Crownline 220 SS Surf Boat & $30,000 Cash
  • 2022 Ford Lightning XLT & Forest River Cherokee RV & $10,000 Cash
  • Or choose the ALL CASH option of $135,000

Be sure to add 50-50 tickets when you place your order for another chance to win BIG! The take home jackpot is already over $100,000 and growing every day.

Tickets are selling at a record pace, and an early sellout is expected. With the new expanded prize line-up and the same low price of $25 per ticket it’s no wonder.

Every ticket makes a difference, and your ticket purchase will help Canadians affected by prostate cancer.

Order your tickets today at Rock the Road Raffle.

Rock the Road Raffle Tickets: $25 each, 3 for $60, or 7 for $100 (Best Value)

You can also order by phone by calling 1-866-727-2026

See Rules and Regulations for full details. RAF1233089; 50/50 RAF1233086. Only 84,700 tickets available with a maximum of 4,000 single tickets. All others must be ordered in 3-pack or 7-pack bundles. Single 50/50 winner will be awarded half of the jackpot. The minimum prize value is $50,000. 50/50 ticket holders must hold a valid ticket for the 2022 Rock the Road Raffle.

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MONCTON, NB, February 23, 2022 — The Friends of The Moncton Hospital and CHU Dumont Foundations have partnered in a new monthly online 50/50 raffle to raise funds to help both local hospitals. 50% of the funds raised go to a monthly winner, and 50% will be divided equally between The Moncton Hospital and the Dr. Georges L-Dumont University Hospital Centre.

Through a digital technology platform, tickets can be easily purchased online at the following price points:

  • 1 for $10 • 3 for $20 • 10 for $50 • 25 for $100

After buying tickets, purchasers will receive a confirmation email with their 50/50 registered numbers from a random selection system. The amount of the 50/50 estimated take-home prize for the month will be displayed in real time on the site and will continue to grow as more people participate.

Friends President and CEO, Greg King, and CHU Dumont Foundation Executive Director, Nadine Martin hope this initiative will inspire residents to support a good cause while entering for a chance to win. “We look forward to engaging with the community in this new electronic format to continue to raise much needed funds for our local hospitals.”

Purchasers must be in the province of New Brunswick at the time of purchase and be 19 years of age or older to participate.  Raffle details are available at

House Rules Lottery License # 0456814 164 000


The Friends of The Moncton Hospital Foundation raises funds to help The Moncton Hospital deliver exceptional healthcare and promote wellness to meet the needs of our communities.

The CHU Dumont Foundation is committed to supporting development and improving the quality of care at the Dr. Georges-L.-Dumont University Hospital Centre.


MONCTON (N.-B.), 23 février 2022 — Les fondations des Amis de L’Hôpital de Moncton et du CHU Dumont se sont associées pour organiser un nouveau tirage mensuel 50-50 en ligne afin de recueillir des fonds en appui aux deux hôpitaux locaux. La moitié des fonds recueillis sera versée à un gagnant mensuel et l’autre moitié sera répartie en parts égales entre L’Hôpital de Moncton et le Centre hospitalier universitaire Dr-Georges-L-Dumont.

Grâce à une plateforme technologique numérique, il est possible de se procurer facilement les billets en ligne aux prix suivants : • 1 pour 10 $ • 3 pour 20 $ • 10 pour 50 $ • 25 pour 100 $

Une fois les billets achetés, les personnes qui se les procurent recevront un courriel de confirmation comportant leurs numéros enregistrés 50-50 générés par un système de sélection aléatoire. La valeur estimée du prix 50-50 pour le mois sera affichée en temps réel sur le site et continuera de croître au fur et à mesure que les gens participeront au tirage.

Le président-directeur général de la Fondation des Amis de L’Hôpital de Moncton, Greg King, et la directrice générale de la Fondation CHU Dumont, Nadine Martin, espèrent que cette initiative incitera les résidents à soutenir une bonne cause tout en participant pour avoir une chance de gagner. « Nous sommes impatients de nous mobiliser avec la collectivité dans ce nouveau format électronique afin de continuer à recueillir les fonds nécessaires pour nos hôpitaux locaux. »

Les acheteurs doivent se trouver dans la province du Nouveau-Brunswick au moment de l’achat et être âgés de 19 ans ou plus pour participer au tirage. Détails du tirage :

Règles du tirage no de permis du tirage # 0456814 164 000


La Fondation des Amis de L’Hôpital de Moncton amasse des fonds pour aider L’Hôpital de Moncton à offrir d’excellents soins de santé et à promouvoir le mieux-être en réponse aux besoins de nos collectivités.

La Fondation CHU Dumont s’investit pleinement dans sa mission d’appuyer le développement du Centre hospitalier universitaire Dr-Georges-L.-Dumont ainsi que l’amélioration des soins qui y sont offerts.

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Sales close tomorrow! Help Canuck Place grow the jackpot!

VANCOUVER, BC, February 22, 2022 — Ticket sales close tomorrow at midnight! The jackpot for the Canuck Place 50/50 is already over $225,000, but YOUR help is needed to reach the goal of $350,000! Your ticket purchases will help provide exceptional care for children with life-threatening illnesses and the families who love them in BC and the Yukon.

Not much time left! Sales close in:

Don’t wait, sales close tomorrow! Every ticket purchased helps create a lifetime of memories for children and the families that love them.

Your ticket purchases support exceptional care for children with life-threatening illnesses and their families

Canuck Place is where short lives are lived to the fullest. With you, for 26 years, Canuck Place has been providing exceptional complex medical care, while helping children and families embrace living a full life.

Almost there! Purchase your 50/50 tickets before midnight tomorrow for your chance at half the jackpot. Good luck!

Thank you to our sponsors


About Canuck Place Children’s Hospice

Canuck Place is British Columbia and the Yukon’s pediatric palliative care provider for children with life-threatening illnesses and the families who love them. Our team of physicians, nurses, counsellors, therapists, staff, and volunteers provide medical respite care, pain and symptom management, art, music, and recreation therapy, end-of-life care, grief, loss, and bereavement counselling in our Vancouver and Abbotsford hospices and in communities across BC and Yukon. All at no cost to the families.

We are here with love, care, and guidance when and where families need us the most. Your ticket purchase today will help make this care possible.

Ticket Sales End: Wednesday, February 23 at midnight PST
Draw Date:  Friday, February 25 at 11:00 AM PST
Tickets can be purchased by British Columbia residents over 19 years of age.

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Ontario, February 22, 2022 — Thursday could be your lucky night!

Hold onto your hats – the Progressive Jackpot is really getting big. There’s no limit to how big it can get and it only stops growing  when the Ace of Spades is found – will you be the lucky player who finds the Ace?

The SickKids Catch the Ace Jackpot is now over $315,000 and will keep growing until Thursday’s 6 p.m. deadline. For as little as $10, if you have the winning ticket and your envelope has the Ace of Spades you will win over $320,000 this Thursday. Imagine what you could do with all that cash!

Visit and get your tickets now. After you pick your envelope, watch the jackpot grow until Thursday’s deadline and start dreaming of what you’ll do if we call you this week.  

More than $5.5 Million has been won by Ontarians playing SickKids Catch the Ace. There is much more to come  – play today and you could be the next big winner!

Play SickKids Catch the Ace online. It’s a simple and great way to support SickKids.

☑ Visit SickKids Ace – Buy Your Tickets and Select Your Lucky Envelope
☑ Follow the Prize Growth until the draw deadline of 6:00 p.m. Thursday Night
☑ If Your Ticket is Drawn – YOU WIN 20% of Weekly Sales
☑ If Your Lucky Envelope Contains the Ace of Spades – YOU ALSO WIN 30% of ALL Campaign Sales
☑ Feel good knowing that 50% of all ticket sales go to help build a new SickKids

This week’s deadline is 6 p.m. THURSDAY! Don’t miss out. Order today!

For more information visit SickKids Ace


SickKids LL#RAF1225735. Charitable Registration #10808 4419 RR0001. Please play responsibly. Ontario Problem Gambling Hotline 1-866-531-2600 or visit ConnexOntario.

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Get your Mega Million Choices Lottery tickets before they sell out!

WINNIPEG, MB,  Monday, February 21, 2022 — Lives have been saved, can be saved, and will be saved… thanks to you.

When you get your Mega Million Choices Lottery tickets, you’re supporting St. Boniface Hospital Foundation, and helping Western Canada’s first hospital provide life-saving care that will help Manitobans and people around the world live better.

You’re also getting in to win the big one: the Grand Prize Draw! Win and choose a home package worth over $1.5 million, or take $1.25 million tax-free cash. And, if you order today, you’ll also beat the Early Bird deadline ­– and get in to win a Winnipeg condo, a Jayco Prestige motorhome, a two-car package (featuring a 2022 Ranger Rover Hybrid and 2022 Jaguar I-Pace), or $210,000 cash.

But, you’ll have to hurry. The 2022 Mega Million Choices Lottery is over 94% sold out – and tickets won’t last long! This year’s lottery will sell out early, once again.

Don’t forget to get your tickets for the Big Score PLUS and the 50/50 PLUS. The jackpot is almost $1.4 million, and it’s getting bigger every single day. This will be Manitoba’s Biggest 5050 ever! Winner takes half!

Say ‘YES’ and create hope for the future at St. Boniface Hospital

With your Mega Million Choices Lottery ticket purchases, you’re making an investment in our shared future.

“Never doubt your support makes a different,” says Karen Fowler, President and CEO, St. Boniface Hospital Foundation. “Your ticket offers Manitobans hope for the future by fueling the powerful spirit of compassion and the drive for medical discovery that St. Boniface Hospital has been known for throughout its 150-year history.”


Order online at the St. Boniface Mega Million Choices Website

By Phone: (204) 256-7203
Toll-Free: 1 (855) 256-7203


Tickets cost 1 for $100 / 2 for $175 / 4 for $300 (SOLD OUT) / 8 for $500 (SOLD OUT)

  • 50/50 PLUS tickets are 2 for $20 / 10 for $40 / 30 for $60 / 60 for $80
  • Big Score PLUS tickets are 2 for $20 / 5 for $40 / 15 for $60 / 40 for $80

50/50 PLUS and Extra Cash PLUS tickets can only be ordered with your 2022 Mega Million Choices Lottery main ticket(s) on the same transaction.

License Numbers: LGCA 1517-RF-36652, LGCA 1517-RF-36699, LGCA 1517-RF-36738

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Canuck Place 50/50 jackpot is still growing fast! But sales close soon!

VANCOUVER, BC, February 21, 2022 — Purchase Canuck Place 50/50 tickets today to support Canuck Place Children’s Hospice and get your chance at half the jackpot! Don’t wait, ticket sales close Wednesday at midnight!

Tickets are 3 for $5, 7 for $10, 50 for $20 or 150 for $50. Anticipated jackpot prize of $350,000 to be split with the winner. Your ticket purchases will help provide exceptional care for children with life-threatening illnesses and the families who love them in BC and the Yukon. Buy your tickets today!

Time left to buy:

Your ticket purchases ensure counsellors can support families at every stage of their journey

Canuck Place is love. Canuck Place counsellors support families as they navigate their grief by addressing the emotional, spiritual, and psychosocial needs of parents, siblings, and grandparents. Through counselling programs, they offer their hands and hearts to the families they serve; helping them find hope in the midst of despair, and letting them know they are not alone. Families come to Canuck Place with deeper needs – meaning, purpose, love, sense of being understood, belonging, connection, and hope. Canuck Place supports families to strengthen the bonds and attachments with families to be together in hard times.

Purchase your ticket by February 23 for your chance at splitting the anticipated jackpot of $350,000. Good luck!

Thank you to our sponsors


About Canuck Place Children’s Hospice

Canuck Place is British Columbia and the Yukon’s pediatric palliative care provider for children with life-threatening illnesses and the families who love them. Our team of physicians, nurses, counsellors, therapists, staff, and volunteers provide medical respite care, pain and symptom management, art, music, and recreation therapy, end-of-life care, grief, loss, and bereavement counselling in our Vancouver and Abbotsford hospices and in communities across BC and Yukon. All at no cost to the families.

We are here with love, care, and guidance when and where families need us the most. Your ticket purchase today will help make this care possible.

Ticket Sales End: Wednesday, February 23 at midnight PST
Draw Date:  Friday, February 25 at 11:00 AM PST
Tickets can be purchased by British Columbia residents over 19 years of age.

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Get Your Lucky Ticket Today!

VANCOUVER, BC, February 21, 2022 — These are the final days to win the RBC JCC Sports Dinner Cadillac Raffle and 50/50 Draw. Don’t delay, get your lucky ticket today!

You could win a stylish new 2022 Cadillac XT5 SUV, valued at over $52,000!

This luxury performance Cadillac from Dueck Auto Group will transport you in comfort inside your spacious and beautiful cabin. This SUV is perfect to cruise to the office, take the grandkids to soccer practice or tour the countryside–every drive is like a vacation when you drive a Cadillac!

And don’t forget your 50/50 tickets. The jackpot is over $14,000 and growing by the hour! Get in on the action now!

Cadillac Raffle tickets start at 1 for $50 or 3 for $100
50/50 Draw tickets start at 5 for $10.

Final draw is February 23, with winners announced Live during the RBC JCC Sports Dinner gala broadcast. Attendance is not necessary to win.

Your Cadillac Raffle or 50/50 Draw purchase helps build a better tomorrow for children, families and seniors in need at the JCC of Greater Vancouver. Thanks to your support, our charity is able to provide scholarships for teen leadership and lifeguard training, subsidized preschool and meal delivery for seniors.

Main Lottery: 8,500 total tickets; BC Gaming Licence: #131000
50/50: 196,000 total tickets; BC Gaming Licence: #130992

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Infinite Gravity® is a registered trademark of Infinite Gravity Digital Media Ltd. The Home Lottery News™ is a trademark of Infinite Gravity® Digital Media Ltd.

Proudly Supporting Therapeutic Play for Children and Families. Visit Hoof Print Healing for more information.