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HURRY, VIP Deadline Next Friday!

Ontario, February 16, 2022 — Buy Early and Win Even More for ONLY $25!

The VIP Prize deadline is NEXT FRIDAY! Get your Rock the Road Raffle tickets today and help the Canadian Cancer Society support Canadians affected by prostate cancer.

Order now and qualify for the 10 all-cash VIP Prizes just for buying early. Plus, you will also be entered to win the 3 new Early Bird Prizes of $10,000 Cash!

Need more reasons to order tickets now? How about the 4 new all-cash Grand Prizes? Two lucky winners will get a $50,000 Grand Prize, one will win $25,000 Cash, and another will win $15,000. Order now for your chance to win big!

Plus, this year you can either Rock the Road… or the waterways! Win the This year’s Super Grand Prize and you will choose between one of the following:

  • 2022 Porsche 911 Carrera Cabriolet convertible
  • 2022 Crownline 220 SS Surf Boat & $30,000 Cash
  • 2022 Ford Lightning XLT & Forest River Cherokee RV & $10,000 Cash
  • Or choose the ALL CASH option of $135,000

Be sure to add 50-50 tickets when you place your order for another chance to win BIG! The take home jackpot is already over $75,000 and growing every day.

Tickets are selling at a record pace, and an early sellout is expected. With the new expanded prize line-up and the same low price of $25 per ticket it’s no wonder.

Every ticket makes a difference, and your ticket purchase will help Canadians affected by prostate cancer.

Order your tickets today at Rock the Road Raffle.

Rock the Road Raffle Tickets: $25 each, 3 for $60, or 7 for $100 (Best Value)

You can also order by phone by calling 1-866-727-2026

See Rules and Regulations for full details. RAF1233089; 50/50 RAF1233086. Only 84,700 tickets available with a maximum of 4,000 single tickets. All others must be ordered in 3-pack or 7-pack bundles. Single 50/50 winner will be awarded half of the jackpot. The minimum prize value is $50,000. 50/50 ticket holders must hold a valid ticket for the 2022 Rock the Road Raffle.

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