
BC Lotteries News Articles

Enter Now to Win

Vancouver, BC, September 24, 2021 — The rainy season is here and the best way to keep dry is in a brand new 2021 Mercedes-Benz GLA250 4Matic SUV. Buy a Vancouver Opera (VO) lottery ticket for a chance to win a 2021 Mercedes-Benz GLA250 4Matic SUV or $50,000 and you could end up winning $5,000 in the next early bird draw! Early Bird Deadline is Midnight on Thursday, September 30, 2021. Help support local artists as Vancouver Opera returns to mainstage!

ENTER NOW AND YOU COULD WIN $5,000 in the Early Bird

Your lottery ticket purchase is critical to support performing artists in your community. Art inspires and educates. Art brings people together. Thank you for supporting Vancouver Opera. Your lottery ticket purchase is critical to supporting performing artists in your community. Help them raise the curtain after a long intermission and you could win big!

Tickets are 1 for $40, 3 for $99, 7 for $196 and 11 for $297

Tickets for the BONUS 50/50 DRAW are also on sale.
50/50 winner takes home half of the jackpot currently at over $20,000!

Vancouver Opera creates extraordinary experiences that engage, inspire and entertain our community through voice, music and theatre.

Early Bird Ticket Sales End: Thursday, September 30 at midnight PDT
Early Bird Draw Date: Friday, October 1 at 3pm PDT
Ticket Sales End: Thursday, October 28 at midnight PDT
Draw Date:  Friday, October 29 at 11am PDT
Tickets can be purchased by British Columbia residents over 19 years of age.


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Help grow the Canuck Place 50/50 jackpot – it is already over $125,000!

VANCOUVER, BC, September 21, 2021 — Purchase your Canuck Place 50/50 tickets, presented by RE/MAX Agents of the Lower Mainland, today to support Canuck Place Children’s Hospice. Join the thousands of British Columbians who have entered for a chance to win big and support exceptional care for children with life-threatening illnesses and the families who love them!

Tickets are 3 for $5, 7 for $10, 50 for $20 or 150 for $50. Anticipated prize $500,000 to be split with the winner. And ask yourself: what will you do if you win?

Children on the Canuck Place program present with over 190 different conditions and diseases, the progress and complexity of which does not stop in a pandemic.

Your ticket purchases help support families at every stage of their journey

Now, more than ever they need the compassionate, intuitive, and devoted care provided by Canuck Place nurses and physicians. By purchasing your 50/50 tickets you will help ease suffering for children with life-threatening illnesses and help families make lasting memories.

Purchase your ticket before midnight on Wednesday, October 6 for your chance at splitting the anticipated jackpot of $500,000. Good luck!

Thank You to our sponsors


About Canuck Place Children’s Hospice

Canuck Place is British Columbia and Yukon’s pediatric palliative care provider for children with life-threatening illnesses and the families who love them. Our team of physicians, nurses, counsellors, therapists, staff, and volunteers provide medical respite care, pain and symptom management, art, music, and recreation therapy, end-of-life care, grief, loss, and bereavement counselling in our Vancouver and Abbotsford hospices and in communities across BC and Yukon. All at no cost.

We are here with love, care, and guidance when and where families need us the most. Your ticket purchase today will help make this care possible.

Ticket Sales End: Wednesday, October 6 at midnight PDT
Draw Date:  Friday, October 8 at 11am PDT
Tickets can be purchased by British Columbia residents over 19 years of age.

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Enter Now to Win

Vancouver, BC, September 20, 2021 — Help support local artists as Vancouver Opera returns to mainstage. Buy a Vancouver Opera (VO) lottery ticket for a chance to win a 2021 Mercedes-Benz GLA250 4Matic SUV or $50,000 and you could end up winning $5,000 in the next early bird draw! Early Bird Deadline is Midnight on Thursday, September 30, 2021.

ENTER NOW AND YOU COULD WIN $5,000 in the Early Bird

Your lottery ticket purchase is critical to support performing artists in your community. Art inspires and educates. Art brings people together. Thank you for supporting Vancouver Opera. Your lottery ticket purchase is critical to supporting performing artists in your community. Help them raise the curtain after a long intermission and you could win big!

Tickets are 1 for $40, 3 for $99, 7 for $196 and 11 for $297

Tickets for the BONUS 50/50 DRAW are also on sale.
50/50 winner takes home half of the jackpot currently at over $20,000!

Vancouver Opera creates extraordinary experiences that engage, inspire and entertain our community through voice, music and theatre.

Early Bird Ticket Sales End: Thursday, September 30 at midnight PDT
Early Bird Draw Date: Friday, October 1 at 3pm PDT
Ticket Sales End: Thursday, October 28 at midnight PDT
Draw Date:  Friday, October 29 at 11am PDT
Tickets can be purchased by British Columbia residents over 19 years of age.


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WIN BIG & GIVE BIG! Help JDRF Turn Type 1 to Type NONE!

VANCOUVER, BC, September 16, 2021 — JDRF is hosting its inaugural virtual 50/50 raffle, and the winner could be you! Players will have the chance to take home half the jackpot while also making a difference in the lives of the over 300,000 Canadians living with type 1 diabetes.

2021 marks the 100th anniversary of the discovery of insulin by researchers Dr. Frederick Banting and Charles Best at the University of Toronto.

Before insulin treatment, a diagnosis of type 1 diabetes (T1D) meant inevitable death for children. T1D is an autoimmune disease where the body’s immune system attacks and destroys the cells in the pancreas that make insulin critical to maintaining healthy blood sugar levels. There are no therapies available yet to prevent it, and the causes are not yet fully understood. While there have been many advancements in technology and delivery of insulin over the past 100 years; either by injection or pump, it remains the only treatment for T1D.

As JDRF commemorates the 100th anniversary of the discovery of insulin, they also recognize the need to move beyond insulin and aggressively invest in the research that will lead to a cure for T1D. Raffle ticket purchasers not only get the chance to win the cash prize, but more importantly, raise important funds for research that will one day turn type one into type none.

Tickets Available Online

3-Ticket Pack for $10;
15-Ticket Pack for $25;
35-Ticket Pack for $50;
100-Ticket Pack for $100

About JDRF Canada

JDRF is the leading global organization funding type 1 diabetes (T1D) research. Our mission is to accelerate life-changing breakthroughs to cure, prevent and treat T1D and its complications. For more information, please visit the JDRF website.

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Limited Tickets Available! Don’t Miss Out! Buy now and support the Autism Community in BC!

VANCOUVER, BC, September 16, 2021 — Tickets for the 4th Annual AutismBC Raffle are selling fast and now is the time to get your ticket!

Chances are better than 1 in 7,250 to WIN!
Tickets start at $20 with some bundles selling out soon!

The provincial charity’s annual fundraiser raises important funds for programs and services that support autistic children and adults, families, and professionals across the province.

Purchase a ticket and enter to win a brand-new 2022 SUV or other amazing prizes, while supporting AutismBC!

Ticket prices:

  • 1 for $20.00 (75% sold!)
  • 3 for $50.00
  • 10 for $100.00 (90% sold!)

Applewood Auto Group has stepped up once again this year as the raffle presenter with a 2022 Mitsubishi Outlander 7 passenger AWD SUV as the grand prize to one lucky winner.

Other prizes in the raffle include a Thunder 20-inch E-Bike donated by Richmond E-Bike, and a Nintendo Switch game unit courtesy of London Drugs.

About AutismBC

Today in British Columbia, 1 in 40 children has an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) diagnosis and there are approximately 60,000 children, youth, and adults on the spectrum. AutismBC has been supporting people on the autism spectrum and their families since 1975 with information, workshops, social clubs, and one-on-one support from regional resource teams with lived experience in autism. Last year we saw our greatest number of requests for services.

“Close to 7,000 people in the autism community depended on AutismBC last year for support,” says Julia Boyle, Executive Director of AutismBC. “This raffle raises the essential funds we need to continue to run our programs for children, adults, families and professionals throughout the province. We are so grateful to sponsors, prize donors, and to everyone who purchases a ticket. We couldn’t deliver our services without this support.”

Buy your tickets today and support the autism community in BC.



AutismBC empowers, supports and connects the autism community in BC.

“My family has benefitted from the many resources from AutismBC.,” said a mom in an AutismBC parent survey. “In the world that my children live where compassion and understanding are not always present, I know that being a member of AutismBC has helped give my family many opportunities that I would not have known about.”

This raffle is a critical component of AutismBC’s fundraising efforts for the year as we begin our COVID-19 recovery transition.

Please help AutismBC continue to change the lives of so many. 
Buy your tickets today!

Get your tickets online,
by Phone at 604-434-0880 ext 101
or 1-888-437-0880 ext 101

Deadline is midnight September 30th.  You must be 19 years and over, and in BC to enter and win.


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The Canuck Place 50/50 jackpot is over $90,000 – help them get to $500,000!

VANCOUVER, BC, September 14, 2021 — Purchase your Canuck Place 50/50 tickets, presented by RE/MAX Agents of the Lower Mainland, today to support Canuck Place Children’s Hospice. Your ticket purchases will get you a chance to win big and create lasting memories for children with life-threatening illnesses and their families!

Tickets are 3 for $5, 7 for $10, 50 for $20 or 150 for $50. Anticipated prize $500,000 to be split with the winner. And ask yourself: what will you do if you win?

The Canuck Place Recreation Therapy Program plays a key role in helping children with life-threatening illnesses and their families live in the moment. The program’s goal is to help children celebrate the everyday experience of being a child and provide opportunities for connection, excitement and fun!

Your ticket purchases help teens like Vincent go on hiking adventures.

Your ticket purchases help teens like Vincent go on hiking adventures.


Canuck Place can’t do this work without your support. With your 50/50 ticket purchase you are part of the community of support that encircles children with life-threatening illnesses and the families who love them. Please help Canuck Place give short lives the gift of great days by purchasing your 50/50 tickets today.

Purchase your ticket before midnight on Wednesday, October 6 for your chance at splitting the anticipated jackpot of $500,000. Good luck!

Thank You to our sponsors


About Canuck Place Children’s Hospice

Canuck Place is British Columbia and Yukon’s pediatric palliative care provider for children with life-threatening illnesses and the families who love them. Our team of physicians, nurses, counsellors, therapists, staff, and volunteers provide medical respite care, pain and symptom management, art, music, and recreation therapy, end-of-life care, grief, loss, and bereavement counselling in our Vancouver and Abbotsford hospices and in communities across BC and Yukon. All at no cost.

We are here with love, care, and guidance when and where families need us the most. Your ticket purchase today will help make this care possible.

Ticket Sales End: Wednesday, October 6 at midnight PDT
Draw Date:  Friday, October 8 at 11am PDT
Tickets can be purchased by British Columbia residents over 19 years of age.

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With the jackpot already over $70,000 and growing, you can help BC kids and families win big – and maybe you’ll win big too!

VANCOUVER, BC, September 8, 2021 — Purchase your Canuck Place 50/50 tickets, presented by RE/MAX Agents of the Lower Mainland, today to support Canuck Place Children’s Hospice. The jackpot is growing fast as buyers across BC play for a chance to win big and support exceptional care for children with life-threatening illnesses and the families who love them.

Tickets are 3 for $5, 7 for $10, 50 for $20 or 150 for $50. Anticipated prize $500,000 to be split with the winner. And ask yourself: what will you do if you win?

Canuck Place depends on donor support to help provide care for children living with life-threatening illnesses and their families. Canuck Place provides that care when and where families need it – with in-home, telephone and video conferencing, a 24-hour nursing line, and in hospices in Vancouver and Abbotsford.

Your tickets support exceptional care in Canuck Place hospices Glen Brae in Vancouver (top), Dave Lede House in Abbotsford (bottom), and in communities across BC.


For over 25 years, Canuck Place has provided exceptional complex medical care, while helping children and families embrace living fully with the time they have left together. But not without your support. Please help Canuck Place give short lives the gift of great days by purchasing your 50/50 tickets today.

Purchase your ticket before midnight on Wednesday, October 6 for your chance at splitting the anticipated jackpot of $500,000. Good luck!

Thank You to our sponsors


About Canuck Place Children’s Hospice

Canuck Place is British Columbia and Yukon’s pediatric palliative care provider for children with life-threatening illnesses and the families who love them. Our team of physicians, nurses, counsellors, therapists, staff, and volunteers provide medical respite care, pain and symptom management, art, music, and recreation therapy, end-of-life care, grief, loss, and bereavement counselling in our Vancouver and Abbotsford hospices and in communities across BC and Yukon. All at no cost.

We are here with love, care, and guidance when and where families need us the most. Your ticket purchase today will help make this care possible.

Ticket Sales End: Wednesday, October 6 at midnight PDT
Draw Date:  Friday, October 8 at 11am PDT
Tickets can be purchased by British Columbia residents over 19 years of age.

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Today is the final day to purchase tickets to Royal Columbian Hospital Foundation’s 50/50 lottery! Don’t miss out on a jackpot that is more than $80,000!

New Westminster, BC, September 1, 2021 — Support BC’s most seriously ill and injured patients by taking part in Royal Columbian Hospital Foundation’s 50/50 lottery. You could win big while supporting your healthcare heroes!

With a jackpot that has already surpassed $80,000, how high will it climb? When your healthcare heroes win, so do you!

Deadline to purchase tickets is tonight, September 1st, 2021 at 11:59:59pm. Enter now for a chance to win big and help Royal Columbian Hospital Foundation. The lucky winner gets half the final jackpot!

Tickets are 10 for $10, 50 for $20 and 200 for $40!

Buy tickets today! Tickets must be purchased on their website.

About Royal Columbian Hospital

From the beginning, Royal Columbian Hospital has stood at the heart of health care in British Columbia. Created by visionary pioneers to provide compassionate care to those building a new province, we have participated in the social and economic changes of British Columbia since 1862. Today, we are one of British Columbia’s busiest hospitals, serving a population of more than 1.8 million people. We are a regional referral hospital for cardiac, trauma, neurosciences, high-risk maternity and neonatal intensive care. No other hospital in the province provides all of these services, at this level of care, on one site. We provide the highest level of care to the most critically ill and injured from throughout the province.

The importance of testing to confirm COVID-19 infections has drawn new attention to the role of our healthcare labs. At Royal Columbian Hospital, the lab has a long history that goes back more than 100 years. Nowadays, with more than 5-million tests performed a year and with the generous support of donors to Royal Columbian Hospital Foundation, the hospital’s Pathology & Laboratory Medicine Department helps in over 80-percent of medical diagnoses. And that was before the pandemic struck.

Dr. Reza Alaghehbandan

Dr. Reza Alaghehbandan

“If we don’t know what the disease is, then we won’t be able to treat the disease,” says department head Dr. Reza Alaghehbandan, who explains how the lab can provide answers when basic physical exams or radiographic images don’t identify what ails a patient. “One of our main goals as lab professionals has always been supporting and serving public health. When the pandemic came, our role became much more pronounced, both at the hospital and the community levels.”

In the early months of the pandemic in 2020, with Royal Columbian designated as one of the province’s primary COVID-19 sites, the hospital’s lab worked with the region’s medical microbiology centre and with the BC Centre for Disease Control to handle and transfer COVID-19 tests and relay the results back to medical teams.

“During that first phase of the disease, we immediately developed a very efficient and logistical process,” says Dr. Alaghehbandan.

A few months later, the lab obtained the technology to conduct its own on-site COVID-19 testing. By opening a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing room in the lab – complete with Dr. Bonnie Henry’s famous mantra ‘Be Kind. Be Calm. Be Safe.’ displayed on the wall, the hospital gained the ability to test inpatients at the hospital.

“The impact of that was so much that it increases our capacity, it enhances the so-called turnaround time, getting the results back into the hands of our colleagues,” says Dr. Alaghehbandan.

The lab then took on another key pandemic-related role as vaccinations started arriving in our region. With the first mRNA vaccines needing to be kept at very cold temperatures, Royal Columbian provided the infrastructure, expertise, and leadership to help manage the delivery and distribution of the vials.

“And this happened on a 24/7 basis,” says Dr. Alaghehbandan, “because sometimes the shipments would come at odd hours, and we had dedicated staff who were here days and nights to make sure that the flow, the inventory is safe and efficient.”

While the pandemic has dominated global attention, the hospital’s lab has also carried on its usual work testing for cancer, autoimmune disorders, chromosome analysis, and more. In recent years, support from donors to Royal Columbian Hospital Foundation has helped bring in hundreds of thousands of dollars’ worth of technology, including:

  • Thinprep 5000 Processor: an essential piece of equipment to support rapid and less invasive cancer diagnosis.
  • Digital Slide Scanner: converts glass slides into high-resolution digital images, allowing for timely and accurate consultations that lead to patient diagnoses.
  • FISH Analyzer: used to detect subtle specific chromosome abnormalities.
  • Optilite Protein Analyzer: helps to provide protein testing, including for patients on chemotherapy.
  • Coverslip: helps in the safe transport of cancer-related tests for a specialized area called immunohistochemistry (IHC).
  • Multi-head microscope: allows multiple pathologists to simultaneously view each sample, enabling them to pool their collective knowledge and expertise.

“Thank you donors for honouring us with your support,” remarks Dr. Alaghehbandan.

Get your tickets today. Stand by our healthcare heroes and help to fund crucial equipment needed for life saving care. Not only are you supporting healthcare in BC, but you can win big too!

Discover more about the Royal Columbian Hospital Foundation.

*open to BC residents only, must be 19+ to play, BCLC Licence #128587. Actual odds of winning are dependent on the number of tickets sold. Know your limit, play within it.

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It’s the Absolute Final Week! Tickets Almost Sold Out

VANCOUVER, BC, Friday, August 31, 2021 — Got your Dream Lottery tickets yet? If not, this is likely your absolute final chance!

Tickets are over 92% sold and will most likely sell out this week. If you order today, you’ll get in to win a Grand Prize package worth over $2.9 million or $2,300,000 tax-free cash – the biggest cash Grand Prize option in BC Children’s Hospital Lottery history!

You’ll also beat the End of Summer Bonus Deadline (worth over $34,000) and you’ll be automatically entered into the Fall Bonus Draw (worth over $38,000) and 51 Early Bird Draws (with over $400,000 in prizes up for grabs).

If you top-up your order with Daily Cash PLUS tickets, you’ll be in for 102 extra draws, with $335,000 in cash prizes. And, if you get your tickets for the 50/50 PLUS, you’ll be in to win half of this fall’s biggest jackpot! The 50/50 is already over $1.8 million and it’s on a record-breaking pace.

Of course, it’s not just about the prizes. It’s about the cause.

Every ticket ordered in the 2021 Dream Lottery supports BC Children’s Hospital Foundation in its quest to conquer childhood illnesses.

Challenge the status quo

Every year, BC Children’s Hospital treats over 96,000 kids, many of them battling debilitating diseases and chronic conditions. Research is critical to overcoming these illnesses – and, with your support, you’re helping to advance studies that have the power to solve the biggest challenges in child health.

You’re helping make more breakthroughs a reality.

“Our hospital is home to world-leading experts, and a large reason for this is due to the significant amount of resources we put towards research,” says Akash Rattan, Vice President & Chief Financial Officer, BC Children’s Hospital Foundation. “Dream Lottery funds go directly towards innovative research, which leads to new medical solutions to treat B.C.’s sick and injured children.”

From opening the door to novel therapies for conditions like childhood cancer or rare diseases, to discovering life-changing breakthroughs in the way experts deliver care or perform surgeries, your support will bring new hope to children and families who need it most.

“Over the past 14 months throughout the pandemic, our hospital’s researchers and clinicians haven’t lifted their feet off the gas pedal,” says Rattan. “They have pivoted and adapted to changes as needed, and most importantly they have continued to provide our children with the best medical options available.

“Thank you to all of our Dream Lottery participants for your continued support.”

Order Today

Get your tickets online,
by Phone at 604-536-2491
or 1-888-888-1567.
or in-person at London Drugs

Tickets cost 3 for $100 / 6 for $175 / 9 for $250 / 20 for $500

  • 50/50 PLUS tickets are 2 for $15 / 6 for $30 / 16 for $60
  • Daily Cash PLUS tickets are 2 for $25 / 6 for $50

50/50 PLUS and Daily Cash PLUS tickets can only be purchased if a 2021 BC Children’s Hospital Dream Lottery main ticket has been purchased.

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The Fall Canuck Place 50/50 presented by RE/MAX has started – buy now for your chance to win!

VANCOUVER, BC, August 31, 2021 — Today you can purchase Canuck Place 50/50 tickets, presented by RE/MAX Agents of the Lower Mainland, to support Canuck Place Children’s Hospice.

Tickets are 3 for $5, 7 for $10, 50 for $20 or 150 for $50. Anticipated prize $500,000 to be split with the winner. 

Canuck Place 50/50 jackpots keep growing. Earlier this year James from Saanich split the Spring 2021 Canuck Place 50/50 jackpot valued at $415,500.

And last fall, Connie from Salt Spring Island split the first Canuck Place 50/50 jackpot valued at over $325,000. Connie’s memories of volunteering years ago at Canuck Place—and the special families she met—moved her to purchase her 50/50 tickets.

As Connie says, “when you’re buying a ticket, remember that you’re winning because you’re donating to a charitable foundation or organization, so even if you don’t win a prize, you’ve still won because you’ve done something good for somebody else.”

Purchase your ticket before midnight on Wednesday, October 6 for your chance at splitting the anticipated jackpot of $500,000. Good luck!

Thank You to our sponsors


About Canuck Place Children’s Hospice

Canuck Place is British Columbia and Yukon’s pediatric palliative care provider for children with life-threatening illnesses and the families who love them. Our team of physicians, nurses, counsellors, therapists, staff, and volunteers provide medical respite care, pain and symptom management, art, music, and recreation therapy, end-of-life care, grief, loss, and bereavement counselling in our Vancouver and Abbotsford hospices and in communities across BC and Yukon. All at no cost.

We are here with love, care, and guidance when and where families need us the most. Your ticket purchase today will help make this care possible.

Ticket Sales End: Wednesday, October 6 at midnight PDT
Draw Date:  Friday, October 8 at 11am PDT
Tickets can be purchased by British Columbia residents over 19 years of age.

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