
You could win cash and make a difference in someone’s life here on Southern Vancouver Island

Victoria, BC, March 28, 2022 — Purchase a 50/50 ticket today and help transform lives by working with United Way to ensure everyone in the Southern Vancouver Island community has the opportunity to reach their full potential.

Your support creates positive change from Victoria to Sooke to Sidney and the Southern Gulf Islands.

Kay’s Story:

“Can you imagine what it’s like to be months in your little apartment? Not able to go out, not able to get what you need?” says Kay. “I’m thinking about a neighbour down the way who just cried when her young people came by to deliver it and just said I can’t believe it, she was just so touched.”

For seniors like Kay, COVID-19 has forced upon them increased isolation in a world that had already become increasingly lonely.

Thanks to the More than Meals program supported by United Way, seniors are getting healthy meals delivered to their homes. Not only that – they are getting critically important social visits and connections with the outside world.

Purchase a raffle ticket and make a difference in someone’s life:

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See here below how much your support helps:

Tier 1: Supporter
$25 pays for a nutritious meal delivered and a social connection for two isolated seniors.

Tier 2: Champion
$100 helps a child or youth access counselling support to address mental health concerns.

Tier 3: Community Hero
$500 provides more than 1,000 individuals with critical job search support to be able to provide for their families and themselves.

With your support, United Way will address many other needs in the community. Last year, the local charity helped over 125,000 individuals on Southern Vancouver Island to build better lives. That is almost 1 in 4 people in the region helped by a United Way initiative or funded program.

You can make so much good happen! Support today!

Odds: 1 in 18,750 (total tickets for sale.)
Licence #132473


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