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Tonight, Tuesday, April 12- Absolute Final Deadline!

Victoria, BC, April 12, 2022 — Only hours remain to get your 50/50 tickets and support United Way Southern Vancouver Island. Together, we can double the jackpot, now at over $12,000, and half of it can be yours!

Make your contribution go even further by adding a donation. Tickets start at 1 for $10, 5 tickets for $20 or 25 for $50. Get yours today!

When you purchase your United Way’s Show Your Local Love 50/50 tickets, you get a chance to win big, while the other half of the proceeds go to help the local community from Victoria to Sooke to Sidney and the Southern Gulf Islands. Help transform lives with United Way to ensure everyone in the Southern Vancouver Island community has the opportunity to reach their full potential.

Each dollar goes a long way in these local United Way signature initiatives: More Than Meals for isolated seniors; the trauma-informed Little Phoenix Daycare and the Coalition of Neighbourhood Houses for families in need; Blue Love campaign for mental health and addictions; and Tools for Equity for diversity, equity and inclusion.  

Last year, the local charity helped over 125,000 individuals on Southern Vancouver Island to build better lives. That is almost 1 in 4 people in the region helped by a United Way initiative or funded program. You can make so much good happen! Support today!

Buy Tickets

Hurry, the clock is ticking

Odds: 1 in 18,750 (total tickets for sale.)
Licence #132473
Know Your Limit, Play Within It.

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Buy your tickets now for a chance to win the 50/50 jackpot and some amazing prizes!

VICTORIA, BC, April 12, 2022 — The Emerge Stronger Hospitals Lottery, presented by Abstract Developments, is the newest way you can support Victoria hospitals. The lottery includes a 50/50 raffle (one winner takes home half the jackpot) and a prize raffle. You could be the lucky winner of the grand prize: $20,000 cash and airfare for two to anywhere in the world that Air Canada flies.

Your ticket purchase supports the Emerge Stronger campaign, funding over 200 pieces of priority medical equipment. Having new tools on-hand at Royal Jubilee, Victoria General, and Gorge Road hospitals will help Victoria hospitals recover from the lasting effects of the pandemic, reduce patient referrals to the mainland, and invest in innovative technology and research projects. You are helping transforming healthcare for today’s needs and tomorrow’s challenges. This is also a great way for your friends and family to join you in supporting local hospitals—please help us spread the word! Anyone 19+ in BC can purchase a ticket.

Ticket packs can be purchased here starting at just $10 for the 50/50 and $25 for the prize raffle. In addition to the grand prize, you have the chance of winning two fantastic e-bikes as an early bird prize!

Ticket sales for the early bird prize will end on May 9, 2022 at 11:59 p.m. and the draw will occur on May 10, 2022 at 11:00 a.m. Ticket sales for the 50/50 and grand prize will end on June 8, 2022 at 11:59 p.m. and the draw will occur on June 10, 2022 at 11:00 a.m. The winning tickets will be drawn using Random Number Generator software and the winner will be contacted by phone by the Victoria Hospitals Foundation.

Please note that no tickets will be purchased by Victoria Hospitals Foundation staff or its Board of Directors or any employee involved with the conduct and management of the ticket raffle. Rules of play are located here.

Should you need any assistance, please call us at 250-519-1750 or email us at [email protected]. We are happy to answer any questions you may have.

Thank you to Abstract Developments, Air Canada Foundation and Cit-E Cycles, who have made this lottery possible. We also recognize CFAX 1070, Virgin Radio, CTV Vancouver Island, Black Press Media and for their generous support.

Thank you and good luck!

Tickets may be sold and purchased only in BC. Chances are 1 in 165,000 (total tickets for sale) to win the 50/50 prize. BC Gaming Event Licence #132883. Chances are 1 in 26,000 (total tickets for sale) to win the Raffle prize. BC Gaming Event Licence #132884. Know your limit, play within it. 19+ to play. Problem Gambling Help Line 1-888-795-6111.

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Announcing the 2022 Because You Care Lottery!

CAMPBELL RIVER, BC, April 12 2022 — This week, the Campbell River Hospital Foundation kicked off their Because You Care Lottery – complete with a 50/50!

Help them reach their $2 Million goal to support the Strathcona Regional District to build a Home away from Home Adult Lodge for travelling patients and their loved ones to stay when needing access to healthcare.


Grand Prize
$20,000 CASH!

Second Prize: WestJet’s Gift of Flight and $1,000 Gift Certificate to The Travel Place/Travel Plus.
Two return tickets for 2 people to anywhere that West Jet flies.

Third Prize:
2 nights at Crystal Cove Resort in Tofino, BC and $1,000 Cash.

There are only 2,750 tickets, at $40 each or sets of 3 for $100, the can be purchased online at or by phone at 250-286-7164.

Winners will be drawn June 17, 2022

Order online or by phone at 250-286-7164 (Toll-free: 1-855-550-2418).


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Red Deer, Alberta, April 12, 2022 – You’re not too late to enter the Red Deer Hospital Lottery Early Bird Draw for $25,000 Cash! Get your tickets before 11pm on May 25 to be entered.

Plus you’ll be entered to win this year’s beautiful Sorento Custom Dream Home prize package valued at $940,332, or one of the other great prizes in this year’s draw. There’s over $1.1 million in prizing to be won!

See the dream home this Saturday and Sunday from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. at 145 Emerald Drive, Red Deer, AB.



1 for $25  ·  5 for $75  ·  10 for $125  ·  25 for $250

1 PRIZE OF $25,000


And don’t forget the Mega Bucks 50, featuring  A MILLION DOLLAR JACKPOT!

1 for $10 | 10 for $25 | 25 for $50 | 50 for $75   SEE THE CURRENT JACKPOT HERE


ORDER ONLINE or CALL 1-877-808-9005 |

RED DEER HOSPITAL LOTTERY 2022 – funding 83 pieces of medical equipment for RED DEER REGIONAL HOSPITAL

License #590314, Mega Bucks 50 license #590315


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Play Catch the Ace KW and You Could Win over $9,999

Kitchener Ontario – April 12, 2022 – Catch the Ace – Rotary of KW* – Guaranteed Progressive Jackpot of $9,999

Get your tickets before 11:59 p.m. Wednesday April 13 for a chance in the weekly draw. You must have a ticket for the current draw to be eligible to win the guaranteed Progressive Jackpot of $9,999 and the weekly draw prize.

Tickets are 3 for $5, 10 for $10 or the best value 60 tickets for $20 and are only available online.

The lottery is supported by the work of five Rotary clubs in Kitchener and Waterloo, proudly serving the community for nearly 100 years. The net proceeds of the lottery go to support the KidsAbility Centre for Child Development. Every ticket you purchase makes it possible for KidsAbility to provide life-changing therapy, programs, and technology for thousands of children and youth to reach their communication, physical, social and behavioural goals in Waterloo Region and Guelph-Wellington.

It’s because of supporters like YOU that a child receives the help they need to take the first step, hold a pencil, or find their voice to participate fully in the community.

How do you play?
It’s easy!

Visit Catch the Ace KW, select a card and purchase your tickets.

Only a few days left to get your tickets for this week’s draw and a chance to win over $9,999!

Catch the Ace – Rotary of KW is a joint project of the 5 Rotary Clubs in Kitchener and Waterloo. The lottery license #1225210 is held by the Kitchener Conestoga Rotary Club Community Aid Fund.

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Ontario, April 12, 2022 — Huge Jackpot is Growing Even BIGGER!

Ontario’s BIGGEST Catch the Ace prize continues to grow for another week! The SickKids Progressive Jackpot is now over $545,000 and getting bigger every day! Do you think you know which envelope has the Ace of Spades? Get your tickets today for a chance to win the huge Jackpot this week – there’s no limit to how big it can get.

For as little as $10, if you have the winning ticket and your envelope has the Ace of Spades, you will win over $550,000. Last week’s winner didn’t find the Ace and still won almost $25,000! You never know when the Ace will be found so don’t miss your chance to win the huge jackpot, get your tickets by 6:00 p.m. on Thursday and start dreaming.

Don’t miss your chance to win. Visit SickKids Ace to get your tickets now. After you pick your envelope, watch the jackpot grow until Thursday’s deadline and start dreaming of what you’ll do if we call you this week.  

More than $5.7 Million has been won by Ontarians playing SickKids Catch the Ace. There is much more to come  – play today and you could be the next big winner!

Play SickKids Catch the Ace online. It’s a simple and great way to support SickKids.

☑ Visit SickKids Ace – Buy Your Tickets and Select Your Lucky Envelope
☑ Follow the Prize Growth until the draw deadline of 6:00 p.m. Thursday Night
☑ If Your Ticket is Drawn – YOU WIN 20% of Weekly Sales
☑ If Your Lucky Envelope Contains the Ace of Spades – YOU ALSO WIN 30% of ALL Campaign Sales
☑ Feel good knowing that 50% of all ticket sales go to help build a new SickKids

This week’s deadline is 6 p.m. THURSDAY! Don’t miss out. Order today!

For more information visit SickKids Ace


SickKids LL#RAF1225735. Charitable Registration #10808 4419 RR0001. Please play responsibly. Ontario Problem Gambling Hotline 1-866-531-2600 or visit ConnexOntario.

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SASKATOON, SK, April 11, 2022 — Only a couple weeks left to buy tickets to Jim Pattison Children’s Hospital Foundation 50/50, presented by Knights of Columbus Saskatoon Council #1517. Your 50/50 ticket purchase helps sick kids from all over the PROVINCE receive care when they need it most!

DON’T MISS OUT and buy 50/50 tickets today, with the jackpot over $43,000 and the pot is only going to get bigger! Deadline to buy is April 28, 2022.

TICKETS: 1 for $20 | 5 for $50 | 20 for $100 | 100 for $250

You can also purchase 50/50 tickets by calling 888-808-KIDS (5437)

Help kids like Braidyn with your 50/50 tickets purchase!

At the 20 weeks ultrasound, Braidyn’s parents found out there was a pregnancy complication called placenta previa. In January 2021, mom was admitted to Jim Pattison Children’s Hospital with severe hemorrhaging and they knew baby was going to arrive early. 

After a couple of roller-coaster days in the hospital, Braidyn was born, 9 weeks early, weighing 4 pounds 1 ounce. “I remember getting a glimpse of him as they brought him past us. His chest looked like it was caved in,” said Jess, Braidyn’s mom. Braidyn was rushed to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit where he stayed for 29 days before he was able to go home for the first time.

“Our experience at Jim Pattison Children’s Hospital was wonderful. The staff were beyond amazing and did everything right to help our little guy and myself have the best chance. The doctors and nurses ensured we were kept abreast of progress, issues, and plans and in a way we understood. Even though I wanted nothing more than to bring my little guy home, I knew it was the best possible place he could be,” said Jess. Learn more about Braidyn’s story.

The deadline to buy tickets is April 28, 2022 at 4:00 p.m. The draw will be held on April 29, 2022 at 4:00 p.m. at Jim Pattison Children’s Hospital Foundation 1 – 345 Third Avenue S, Saskatoon, SK. The winner will be notified by email or phone with instructions on claiming the prize.

See full rules of play here.

TICKETS: 1 for $20 | 5 for $50 | 20 for $100 | 100 for $250

1,000,000 tickets available to a maximum jackpot of $1,250,000.

Lottery License #: LR21-0124

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Back for 2022 with 10 Grand Prize options

VANCOUVER, BC, Friday, April 8, 2022 — The hottest ticket in town is back for 2022!

And this year, for the first time ever, there are 10 Grand Prize options to choose from! The Hometown Heroes Lottery’s Grand Prize winner will choose from home packages in the Lower Mainland, Okanagan, or on Vancouver Island. Or, $2.2 million tax-free cash.

Get your tickets early to ensure you are in for all three Bonus draws and an Early Bird with 51 draws – and over $145,000 in prizes up for grabs!

The Daily Cash PLUS also returns for 2022 – with 105 days of winning and $310,000 in total cash prizes – and the 50/50 PLUS jackpot could reach $2.4 million.

Winner takes half. Last year’s 50/50 winner took home $1,103,932. This year, it could be you!

Of course, with each and every ticket purchase, you’re supporting BC’s Hometown Heroes.

Every ticket changes a life. Your Hometown Heroes Lottery ticket purchases support VGH & UBC Hospital Foundation, raising essential funds for specialized adult health services and research at VGH and UBC Hospital, GF Strong Rehab Centre, Vancouver Coastal Health Research Institute and Vancouver Community Health Services for all British Columbians. Ticket purchases also support programs of the BC Professional Fire Fighters’ Burn Fund, including burn survivor support services and resiliency programs for fire fighters.

Our Hometown Heroes come to the aid of people in life-threatening situations every day. From rescue to recovery, BC’s front line workers and first responders – our fire fighters, along with the doctors, nurses and health care teams at Vancouver General Hospital – are always on duty for critically ill and severely injured British Columbians. When you need help, these heroes respond.

They’re there when you need them. Now it’s your turn to be there for them.


What can you win this year?

  • Every single ticket purchased will be entered in the Grand Prize Draw and, for the first time ever, this year’s Hometown Heroes Lottery is offering 10 options, including: a South Surrey home package (worth over $2.7 million); a Lake Country, Okanagan home package (worth over $2.5 million); a Courtenay home package, at Crown Isle (worth over $2.5 million); a Langley home package (worth over $2.5 million); a North Vancouver home package (worth over $2.5 million); a Sooke ocean-view home package (worth over $2.5 million); or, there are two Vancouver home package options – a townhome at Rowe, near Langara Golf Course and Oakridge (worth over $2.5 million), or a ‘City Home’ at The Hillcrest, near Queen Elizabeth Park (worth over $2.5 million). Or, take $2.2 million tax-free cash, and live like a multi-millionaire!
  • Order before midnight, Friday, May 13th and you’ll be entered in the Welcome Bonus Draw, which is worth over $26,000. Winner chooses a 2022 Mazda 3 GX MT, a 2022 Toyota Corolla hatchback standard, or $22,000 cash. Early buyers will also be entered in the Heroes Bonus Draw (worth over $26,000), the Summer Bonus Draw (worth over $31,000), and 51 Early Bird Draws – worth over $145,000 total.
  • The Early Bird main draw winner will choose a 2022 BMW 530E xDrive sedan and a 2022 Toyota Prius Prime, or a ’10 Years of Vacations’ travel package (which includes $100,000 in CWT Vacations gift cards plus $20,000 cash), or $100,000 cash.
  • This year, there are 3,220 prizes to be awarded, worth over $3.3 million total.

There’s something for everyone in BC’s best-priced hospital home lottery!


Get your tickets online at Heroes Lottery 

By Phone: 604-648-4376
Toll-Free: 1-866-597-4376

Tickets are also available for purchase in-person at London Drugs stores throughout British Columbia.

Tickets cost 3 for $75 / 7 for $125 / 21 for $300 / 40 for $500

  • 50/50 PLUS tickets are 2 for $15 / 6 for $30 / 20 for $60 / 40 for $80
  • Daily Cash PLUS tickets are 2 for $25 / 6 for $50 / 12 for $75

50/50 PLUS and Daily Cash PLUS tickets can only be purchased if a 2022 Hometown Heroes Lottery main ticket has been purchased.

Where a prize winner has an option(s), they will choose one prize option; the other options will not be awarded.

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Estimated Jackpot Now $85,000!

Ontario, April 7, 2022Estimated jackpot for this week is $85,000!

Thanks to your continued support, which raised over $972,000 for six charities last year, we are proud to announce that over $120,000.00 has been raised so far for: The Good Neighbour’s Food Bank (Russell Township); Kin Club of Russell’s Storage Centre for Local Service Clubs and Charities; Osgoode Care Centre; The Valoris Foundation; Victoria’s Quilts Canada; and, Winchester District Memorial Hospital (WDMH Foundation)

From all of our charities and everyone involved here… thank you so very much!

Our next draw is Sunday, April 10, 2022. The current Jackpot is estimated over $85,000, the weekly win over $5,500 and there are 41 envelopes remaining!

Supporting Local Charities

The Kin Club of Russell’s 4th Catch the Ace lottery is uniquely supporting six (6) charities with its lottery; The Good Neighbour’s Food Bank (Township of Russell), Kin Club of Russell’s Storage Centre for Local Service Clubs and Charities, Osgoode Care Centre, Valoris Foundation, Victoria’s Quilts Canada and WDMH Foundation!

For further information, please visit the Kin Club of Russell Catch the Ace 2022

Lottery Licence RAF1225642

If you are looking for HelpDesk support for Catch the Ace issues, please email the Kin Club of Russell at [email protected]. They will respond promptly.

If you are looking for help to do with problem gambling, please contact ConnexOntario at 866-531-2600 email: click here

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Ontario, April 7, 2022 — Play Online Today. Tickets only $10!

Don’t miss out on your chance to win more than half a million dollars! Get your tickets now for Ontario’s BIGGEST Catch the Ace! The Progressive Jackpot is over $525,000 and will continue to grow until the 6 p.m. deadline. Tonight could be your lucky night when you win it all – but only if you’ve got your tickets!

You only have a few hours left to get your tickets and pick your envelope! Do you think you know which envelope contains the Ace of Spades? The huge Jackpot could be yours if you catch the Ace of Spades. Last week’s winner didn’t catch the Ace and still won almost $24,000!

Over $5.6 Million in cash prizes have won by Ontarians in SickKids Catch the Ace and there’s much more to come! Get your tickets now and your name could be added to the winners’ list TONIGHT!

Play SickKids Catch the Ace online. It’s a simple and great way to support SickKids.

☑ Visit SickKids Ace – Buy Your Tickets and Select Your Lucky Envelope
☑ Follow the Prize Growth until the draw deadline of 6:00 p.m. TONIGHT!
☑ If Your Ticket is Drawn – YOU WIN 20% of Weekly Sales
☑ If Your Lucky Envelope Contains the Ace of Spades – YOU ALSO WIN 30% of ALL Campaign Sales
☑ Feel good knowing that 50% of all ticket sales go to help build a new SickKids

For more information visit SickKids Ace


SickKids LL#RAF1225735. Charitable Registration #10808 4419 RR0001. Please play responsibly. Ontario Problem Gambling Hotline 1-866-531-2600 or visit ConnexOntario.

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Copyright 2016-2023 Infinite Gravity® Digital Media Ltd.

Infinite Gravity® is a registered trademark of Infinite Gravity Digital Media Ltd. The Home Lottery News™ is a trademark of Infinite Gravity® Digital Media Ltd.

Proudly Supporting Therapeutic Play for Children and Families. Visit Hoof Print Healing for more information.

Know Your Limit, Play Within It
Problem Gambling Help Line 1-888-795-6111
Know Your Limit, Play Within It