VANCOUVER, BC, November 29, 2021 — This is your last and final chance to get your St. Paul’s Foundation Lights of Hope 50/50 raffle tickets. The jackpot is now over $58,000 – and half could be yours! Draw closes Tuesday, November 30 at 12 noon PST.
Not only will you have the chance to win a fantastic cash prize, you will also be helping provide compassion and comfort to patients, long-term care residents, and their families across the province – today, and for years to come.
Don’t miss out on your last chance to win!
This is your last and final chance to purchase tickets. Draw closes at 12 noon PST on Tuesday November 30. The winning number will be drawn shortly after and will be posted on the Lights of Hope 50/50 raffle website within 2 hours after the draw.
Ticket bundles are available to increase your chances of winning:
- 3 for $10
- 20 for $25
- 120 for $50
Hope is a journey. Buy your ticket today at the Lights of Hope 50/50 raffle website to support our present and build our future.
Remember the more tickets you buy, the more chances you have to win!
About St. Paul’s Foundation
St. Paul’s Foundation raises funds to support compassionate, inspired care at Providence Health Care’s 17 sites across BC, including St. Paul’s Hospital. Together, we care for hundreds of thousands of people each year, from newborn babies to seniors in long-term care.
Your support will help save and improve lives and fund groundbreaking research initiatives that change the way we diagnose and treat disease. Thank you!
BC Gaming Event Licence #127753 | Know your limit, play within it. 19+