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HURRY! It’s Your Last Chance to WIN!

LONDON, Ontario, October 29, 2021 — The St. Joseph’s Hospice of London’s 50/50 FINAL DEADLINE is TODAY at 2 p.m., and you could be the lucky winner of the take-home jackpot, now over $15,000 and GROWING! Tickets start at just $10 but if you want the best value for your ticket, get your hands on 160 tickets for $40 – that’s just $0.25/ticket!

Funds raised will be used for patient and palliative care provided at no cost to patients, clients, and their families. It’s a WIN for you and a WIN for St. Joseph’s Hospice of London!

HURRY! Order before 2 p.m. today for your chance to WIN!

You can’t WIN without a ticket!


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HURRY! It’s Your Last Chance to WIN!

LONDON, Ontario, October 28, 2021 — The St. Joseph’s Hospice of London’s 50/50 FINAL DEADLINE is TOMORROW at 2 p.m., and you could be the lucky winner of the take-home jackpot, now almost $15,000 and GROWING! Tickets start at just $10 but if you want the best value for your ticket, get your hands on 160 tickets for $40 – that’s just $0.25/ticket!

Funds raised will be used for patient and palliative care provided at no cost to patients, clients, and their families. It’s a WIN for you and a WIN for St. Joseph’s Hospice of London!

HURRY! Order before 2 p.m. tomorrow for your chance to WIN!

You can’t WIN without a ticket!


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$1000 + the Grand Prize Could be Yours

Toronto, Ontario, October 28, 2021 — Today is the final day to get your Early Bird tickets! This is your last call to double your chances of winning! Deadline to buy is 9:00 p.m. tonight. Don’t forget your ticket will also count for this month’s Grand Prize draw on November 16.

Money raised goes straight towards our youth mentoring programs, enabling life-changing relationships that promote emotional well-being and positive outcomes.

A chance to win, a guarantee to make a difference.

AGCO license # 12215

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Last Chance!
You Could Win a 2021 Mercedes-Benz or $50,000

Vancouver, BC, October 28, 2021 — Do you want to win the best Halloween treat this year? Don’t miss your last chance to buy a Vancouver Opera Lottery ticket for a chance to win a 2021 Mercedes-Benz GLA250 4Matic SUV or $50,000. The deadline is MIDNIGHT TONIGHT, Thursday, October 28!

There are great odds! Don’t miss your chance.

LESS THAN 1,000 Tickets Remain and 11 Packs are SOLD OUT

Your lottery ticket purchase is critical to support performing artists in your community. Art inspires and educates. Art brings people together. Thank you for supporting Vancouver Opera and all their productions, artists, and education programs. Help Vancouver Opera raise the curtain after a long intermission and you could win big!

Tickets are 1 for $40, 3 for $99, 7 for $196 and 11 for $297 (SOLD OUT)

Tickets for the BONUS 50/50 DRAW are also on sale.
50/50 winner takes home half of the jackpot currently at over $37,000!

Vancouver Opera creates extraordinary experiences that engage, inspire and entertain our community through voice, music and theatre.

Ticket Sales End: Thursday, October 28 at midnight PDT
Draw Date:  Friday, October 29 at 11am PDT
Tickets can be purchased by British Columbia residents over 19 years of age.

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Help JDRF Turn Type 1 to Type NONE!

VANCOUVER, BC, October 28, 2021 — Support the type 1 diabetes community by taking part in JDRF’s 50/50 raffle! Participants could end up winning half the jackpot while also making a difference in the lives of the over 300,000 Canadians living with type 1 diabetes (T1D).

Kenadie was diagnosed with T1D at the age of 7 and has been living with this incurable autoimmune disease for 8 years. Life with T1D isn’t easy but she manages to make it beautiful.

Since her diagnosis, Kenadie has been involved actively with JDRF in many ways. She participated as a Kids for a Cure 2020 ambassador to educate politicians on T1D, and hosted the Promise Ball Gala in 2019 and the Kids for a Cure Lobby Day in 2016. She has also been a national campaign ambassador for JDRF and The Charles H. Best Diabetes Centre.

In her free time, Kenadie enjoys playing volleyball, dancing, swimming, and playing with her golden-doodle dog, named Brady. She and her family work together to raise awareness about T1D through presentations and school tours, doing their best to help people understand the realities of living with the disease, and why research into a cure is so important.

The 50/50 raffle offers people the chance to win big while giving kids like Kenadie, and their families, hope for a world one day free from T1D. Each ticket purchase helps JDRF raise critical funds for research that will one day find a cure and turn type 1 into type none.

Tickets Available Online

3-Ticket Pack for $10;
15-Ticket Pack for $25;
35-Ticket Pack for $50;
100-Ticket Pack for $100

About JDRF Canada

JDRF is the leading global organization funding type 1 diabetes (T1D) research. Our mission is to accelerate life-changing breakthroughs to cure, prevent and treat T1D and its complications. For more information, please visit the JDRF website.

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3 Days Left for The Canadian Lung Association’s 50/50 Raffle!

Ottawa, Ontario, October 28 — Please support the Canadian Lung Association and make lung health a priority.

There are only 3 days left, so buy your tickets today to support The Canadian Lung Association’s 50/50 Raffle. Tickets are 3 for $10, 10 for $20, or our BEST VALUE 40 for $40. Purchase your ticket today.

The CLA 50/50 raffle final deadline is October 31, 2021, at 6:30 p.m.  You could win half of the final jackpot by purchasing your tickets before the deadline.

Half of the money raised in this, their first 50/50 raffle, will support research & advocacy efforts that will positively impact the lives of so many Canadians. Let’s breathe better, together!

Thank you and best of luck!

Buy your tickets today.

About The Canadian Lung Association

The Canadian Lung Association breathes LIFE INTO THE WORLD. We are Canada’s oldest non-profit charitable organization. We are and have been committed to the lung health of Canadians for more than 120 years. Breathing – and the importance thereof – is the umbrella for all of our efforts in advocacy, research and education. It is what keeps our community of volunteers, donors, physicians, researchers, clinicians, educators and administrators so committed. The Canadian Lung Association (CLA) is the leading organization in Canada working to promote lung health, while helping to prevent and manage lung disease. We do this by funding vital research, pushing for improved treatments, smarter policies, and supporting patients in managing their health.

Lottery License #: RAF1217385
Residents of Ontario only.

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Plus, Dream’s 50/50+ Lottery is now over $1,330,000!

LONDON, Ontario, October 28, 2021 — There’s so much to WIN … but so little time! Dream Lottery is approaching 99% SOLD and with the LOYALTY DEADLINE at midnight TONIGHT, getting your ticket NOW also puts you in for the VIP, BONUS, and EARLY BIRD DRAWS (link:, plus SO much more! You could WIN your choice of 1 of 3 Grand Prizes … or $1,000,000 CASH!

PLUS, there’s even MORE ways to WIN! The 50/50 jackpot has already reached OVER $1,330,000 – winner takes half + a bonus prize! Get in on the excitement of 111 Days of Winning with the Making a Difference Calendar Lottery!

If you want the chance to WIN BIG,
you’ll want to order NOW!

Order tickets NOW online for Dream Lottery 
or by phone at 1-866-802-4117.

Every Ticket Changes A Life!

DLRAF1217968| 50/50RAF1217965 | CLRAF1217967

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SASKATCHEWAN, October 27, 2021 — DEADLINE ALERT: Early Bird Deadline this FRIDAY!

This Friday is the Early Bird deadline in the Roughrider & Children’s Hospital Foundations Lottery. Buy your tickets before then to qualify for the THREE Early Bird Prizes of $100,000 Cash! Tickets are approaching 80% sold, so get yours today!

So Many Ways to WIN – and Your Best Chance to Win $1 Million!

Following the draws for the three $100,000 Early Bird Prizes, your tickets will be entered to win more than 1,000 Cash, Cars, Trucks and amazing Rider prizes. Best of all, there are three Grand Prizes, including your Best Chance to Win $1 MILLION. Don’t miss your chance to WIN BIG! Get your tickets now and you could be Saskatchewan’s newest millionaire!

Even More Ways to WIN!

There are even more ways to win big, by adding Halftime 50/50 and Cash Calendar tickets to your order. The Halftime 50/50 Jackpot is already over $830,000 and the Cash Calendar is Saskatchewan’s LARGEST, with over $160,000 in prizes to be won. Check out all the details and get your tickets to win every day in December!

Help Kids All Across Saskatchewan.

The biggest winners in this lottery are children across Saskatchewan. The Roughrider Foundation empowers youth and communities through the passion of Rider Nation, funding amateur sport, education, health and wellness initiatives for the province’s youth. Jim Pattison Children’s Hospital Foundation provides leading edge equipment and programs that ensure healthier futures for babies, children and their families. Click here to learn more!

Or call 1-888-348-8442

For official details and to order tickets, visit their website.

Lottery Licence LR21-0045. See Rules and Regulations for details. Approximate value including all taxes and freight. Prizes may not be exactly as shown. Halftime 50/50 and Cash Calendar tickets must be purchased in conjunction with the Roughrider & Children’s Hospital Foundations Lottery Ticket. Final Draw date is November 30, 2021

Roughrider & Children’s Hospital Foundations Lottery PO Box 1301 Stn Main  Saskatoon, SK S7K 3N9

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PETERBOROUGH, Ontario, October 27, 2021 — Your chance to WIN cash + an Ontario getaway is fast approaching, and it only takes one ticket to win! Buy 50/50 lottery tickets for your chance to win the ever-growing jackpot + a $2,500 Resorts of Ontario Gift Certificate or $2,000 bonus CASH!

This is the LAST CALL! The deadline to purchase is only hours away. Not only will you walk away with the ever-growing jackpot, but you get to choose from hundreds of Ontario’s best vacation destinations with beautiful waterfront views, pristine lakes, and forests all at your fingertips! Don’t miss your chance at the perfect getaway plus the opportunity to spend your winnings YOUR way!

Supporting a great cause has never felt so good. Your chance to WIN BIG and help make great care possible in the Peterborough region is only a ticket away! No matter what, it’s a WIN for you knowing that you have made a significant impact!

Don’t Miss Out! Order NOW!


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HURRY! Grand Prize Draw is Only Two Days Away!

Manitoba, October 27, 2021 — The Grace Hospital Foundation announced the October “Envision Our Grace” 50/50 Lottery, supporting the redevelopment and expansion of the Grace Hospital’s Diagnostic Imaging Department.

The pot has grown to over $7,700!

It was a lovely Manitoba summer, and just imagine what YOU could do with extra cash in your pocket this winter. Would you continue that summer feeling by taking a hot vacation? Head to a beautiful, snowy destination? Or take a shopping spree from home?

3 for $10   •   40 tickets $20   •   300 tickets for $50

Grand Prize Draw: October 29, 2021
Next 50/50 Start Date: November 2, 2021
Early Bird Draw #1: November 9, $250.00
Early Bird Draw #2: November 23, $500.00
Grand Prize Draw: November 30, 2021

“Envision” This Win For Everyone!

When you purchase tickets for the Envision our Grace 50/50 Lottery, you are not only a step closer to envisioning your dreams, but you’re also helping the Grace Hospital view and diagnose illnesses of Manitobans faster and more efficiently than ever before. The “Envision Our Grace” redevelopment and expansion project is bringing vital new technology and significant new capacity to Grace Hospital’s diagnostic imaging facility, and will position the Grace for providing exceptional healthcare services well into the future.

“When a problem can be clearly seen, it can be treated more effectively. Diagnostic imaging equipment such as X-Ray, CT, MRI, and ultrasound is always in high demand in the facility; even more so now with the need to diagnose and treat COVID-19 patients,” says Dr. Garvin Pierce, Co-Chair, Envision Our Grace Capital Campaign. “The far-reaching value of additional machines and functional, more efficient spaces cannot be understated.” 

How to Order Your Tickets

Don’t miss your chance to win BIG and support Grace Hospital patients in an exciting way! Purchase your tickets online today! Or call 204-837-0375 for purchasing assistance.

To learn more about the Grace Hospital Foundation and the “Envision Our Grace” Capital Campaign, visit the Grace Hospital Foundation website.

Get Social With The Grace Hospital Foundation!

Instagram: gracehospitalfoundation •  FaceBook: Grace Hospital Foundation

License # LGCA 4684-RF-36225
Each draw will take place at 9:00am on draw dates.
Players must be at least 18 years of age, and be located within the Province of Manitoba to purchase tickets.

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Infinite Gravity® is a registered trademark of Infinite Gravity Digital Media Ltd. The Home Lottery News™ is a trademark of Infinite Gravity® Digital Media Ltd.

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