
St. Paul’s Foundation 50/50 Raffle News Stream

Win BIG with the Lights of Hope 50/50 raffle.

VANCOUVER, BC, November 16, 2023 — Buy your tickets for St. Paul’s Foundation’s Lights of Hope 50/50 raffle today. One lucky winner will take home half the jackpot, while the other half will go directly toward supporting patients, long-term care residents, and their families with compassionate, comforting care across BC. Over $238,000 in cash prizes have been awarded to date.

St. Paul’s Hospital is a provincial referral centre for some of the province’s most complex cases. Many patients have chronic health issues and are extremely vulnerable.

The Clothing Depot affords dignity to patients with complex medical and social needs

When patients visit St. Paul’s Hospital, sometimes the only clothes they own – which may be greatly worn, soiled or threadbare – are removed and disposed of, rendering the patient extremely vulnerable.

The Clothing Depot ensures patients are discharged in new, clean, and weather-appropriate clothing to better support their health and to promote a focus on holistic care. Feelings of personal value, dignity, and self-worth are all important aspects to a patient’s health and well-being. Sometimes, this simple act of care is one of the most appreciated.

Thanks to raffle supporters like you, Providence Health Care’s Clothing Depot continues to provide essential clothing to patients in need, preserving their dignity. All departments across St. Paul’s Hospital have access to this program, with more than 40 departments benefitting from this service so far this year.

A humble hallmark of the compassionate care offered to patients and residents throughout Providence.

Help provide comfort and dignity. Buy your ticket today.

Tickets are available for purchase from Nov 1 through 30. The winner will be drawn on Dec 4. Ticket bundles are available, and can increase your chances of winning!

  • 3 for $10
  • 20 for $25
  • 120 for $50 (the best value and your best chance to win)

And remember the more tickets you buy, the more chances you have to win!


About St. Paul’s Foundation

St. Paul’s Foundation raises funds to support compassionate, inspired care at Providence Health Care’s 17 sites across BC, including St. Paul’s Hospital, and at Providence Living’s long-term care homes. Together, we care for tens of thousands of people each year, from newborn babies to seniors in long-term care.

Your support will help save and improve lives. Thank you!

BC Gaming Event Licence #144466 | Know your limit, play within it. 19+

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Try your luck in the Lights of Hope 50/50 raffle

VANCOUVER, BC, November 10, 2023 — Try your luck with St. Paul’s Foundation’s Lights of Hope 50/50 raffle. One lucky winner will take home half the jackpot, while the other half will go directly towards supporting patients, long-term care residents, and their families with compassionate, comforting care across BC. Over $238,000 in cash prizes have been awarded to date.

You can help support the youngest patients at Providence Health Care.

BiliBlanket Phototherapy Lights is designed to support the treatment of hyperbilirubinemia, also known as jaundice in newborns. The UV phototherapy helps infants at risk for severe jaundice break down and remove the bilirubin that is in their blood, preventing the threat of severe brain damage.

Portable Biliblankets also help promote bonding between newborns and parents or caregivers that traditional phototherapy treatment can not provide. The baby can be held, fed, even rocked throughout the therapy session, without interrupting the benefits of skin-to-skin and kangaroo care. It promotes a nurturing environment that encourages and supports healthy and healing interactions.

Your ticket purchase will help the Pregnancy, Birthing, and Newborn Centre at Providence provide greater access to the developmental and health benefits of these portable BiliBlanket Phototherapy Lights.

A humble hallmark of the compassionate care offered to patients and residents throughout Providence.

Support the tiniest patients. Buy your tickets today.

Tickets are available for purchase from Nov 1 through 30. The winner will be drawn on Dec 4. Ticket bundles are available, and can increase your chances of winning!

  • 3 for $10
  • 20 for $25
  • 120 for $50 (the very best value and your best chance to win)

Get your tickets on the Lights of Hope 50/50 raffle website.

Remember the more tickets you buy, the more chances you have to win!


About St. Paul’s Foundation

St. Paul’s Foundation raises funds to support compassionate, inspired care at Providence Health Care’s 17 sites across BC, including St. Paul’s Hospital, and at Providence Living’s long-term care homes. Together, we care for tens of thousands of people each year, from newborn babies to seniors in long-term care.

Your support will help save and improve lives. Thank you!

BC Gaming Event Licence #144466 | Know your limit, play within it. 19+

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Try your luck in the Lights of Hope 50/50 raffle

VANCOUVER, BC, November 2, 2023 — Try your luck with St. Paul’s Foundation’s Lights of Hope 50/50 raffle. One lucky winner will take home half the jackpot, while the other half will go directly towards supporting patients, long-term care residents, and their families with compassionate, comforting care across BC. Over $238,000 in cash prizes have been awarded to date.

You can help support the youngest patients at Providence Health Care.

BiliBlanket Phototherapy Lights is designed to support the treatment of hyperbilirubinemia, also known as jaundice in newborns. The UV phototherapy helps infants at risk for severe jaundice break down and remove the bilirubin that is in their blood, preventing the threat of severe brain damage.

Portable Biliblankets also help promote bonding between newborns and parents or caregivers that traditional phototherapy treatment can not provide. The baby can be held, fed, even rocked throughout the therapy session, without interrupting the benefits of skin-to-skin and kangaroo care. It promotes a nurturing environment that encourages and supports healthy and healing interactions.

Your ticket purchase will help the Pregnancy, Birthing, and Newborn Centre at Providence provide greater access to the developmental and health benefits of these portable BiliBlanket Phototherapy Lights.

A humble hallmark of the compassionate care offered to patients and residents throughout Providence.

Support the tiniest patients. Buy your tickets today.

Tickets are available for purchase from Nov 1 through 30. The winner will be drawn on Dec 4. Ticket bundles are available, and can increase your chances of winning!

  • 3 for $10
  • 20 for $25
  • 120 for $50 (the very best value and your best chance to win)

Get your tickets on the Lights of Hope 50/50 raffle website.

Remember the more tickets you buy, the more chances you have to win!


About St. Paul’s Foundation

St. Paul’s Foundation raises funds to support compassionate, inspired care at Providence Health Care’s 17 sites across BC, including St. Paul’s Hospital, and at Providence Living’s long-term care homes. Together, we care for tens of thousands of people each year, from newborn babies to seniors in long-term care.

Your support will help save and improve lives. Thank you!

BC Gaming Event Licence #144466 | Know your limit, play within it. 19+

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Last call for a chance to win. Get your Summer 50/50 raffle tickets now.

VANCOUVER, BC, August 29, 2023 — This is your last and final chance to get your St. Paul’s Foundation Summer 50/50 raffle tickets. The jackpot is now over $74,000 – and half could be yours! Draw closes tonight at 11:59 PM (midnight) PST.

Not only will you have the chance to win a fantastic cash prize, you will also be helping provide compassion and comfort to patients, long-term care residents, and their families across the province – today, and for years to come.

More tickets = more compassion + more chances to win!

Your ticket purchase will:

  • Bring happiness and joy to patients and residents through music therapy programs and new assistive technology like Soundbeam.
  • Preserve dignity and provide comfort, by providing essential clothing to patients in need through services like the Clothing Depot.
  • Reduce confusion, fear, and isolation associated with hearing loss, by making pocket talkers, an assistive hearing device available to patients, residents, and staff.

When you buy a raffle ticket, you make it possible for St. Paul’s Foundation to fund countless programs and services in Vancouver and right across British Columbia. Your ticket helps save lives, provides comfort, ensures staff have essential tools and equipment, and supports patients in their journey of recovery so they feel connected, recognized, and cared for.

Don’t miss out on your last chance to win!

This is your last and final chance to purchase tickets. Draw closes at 11:59 PM (midnight) PST on Tuesday August 29. The winning number will be drawn on August 30 at 12:00 PM (noon) and will be posted on the Summer 50/50 raffle website within 2 hours after the draw.

Ticket bundles are available to increase your chances of winning:

  • 3 for $10
  • 20 for $25
  • 120 for $50

Remember the more tickets you buy, the more chances you have to win!

About St. Paul’s Foundation

St. Paul’s Foundation raises funds to support compassionate, inspired care at Providence Health Care’s 17 sites across BC, including St. Paul’s Hospital, and at Providence Living’s long-term care homes. Together, we care for tens of thousands of people each year, from newborn babies to seniors in long-term care.

Your support will help save and improve lives. Thank you!

BC Gaming Event Licence #RAF136956 | Know your limit, play within it. 19+

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Time is running out! Get your Summer 50/50 raffle tickets now!

VANCOUVER, BC, August 25, 2023 — Get your tickets now for St. Paul’s Foundation’s Summer 50/50 raffle. One lucky winner will take home half the jackpot. The other half will go directly toward supporting Providence Health Care’s patients, long-term care residents, and their families with compassionate, comforting care across BC.

Each ticket is so much more than a chance to win!

Your ticket purchase will fund Enhanced Patient Care Grants: small grants (up to a maximum of $3,000) for initiatives, programs, items, and equipment that will directly enhance patient and resident care at Providence’s sites, including:

  • Lion Dance and Cantonese Opera performances at Mount St. Joseph Hospital (MSJ);
  • Traditional medicines, foods, and blankets for Indigenous patients;
  • Emergency necessities like warm socks, transit tickets, and medications;
  • Holiday decorations, games, gardening supplies, crafts, and cooking demos for our long-term care and mental health units.

Not only will you have the chance to win a fantastic cash prize, you will be helping provide compassion and comfort to patients, long-term care residents, and their families across the province – today, and for years to come.

A humble hallmark of the compassionate care offered to patients and residents throughout Providence.

Each ticket is so much more than a chance to win!

Tickets are available for purchase until August 29, 2023 at 11:59 PM (midnight) PST. The winning number will be drawn on August 30 at 12PM (noon) and will be posted on the Summer 50/50 raffle website within 2 hours after the draw.

Ticket bundles are available to increase your chances of winning:

  • 3 for $10
  • 20 for $25
  • 120 for $50 (the best value for your chance to win)

Remember the more tickets you buy, the more chances you have to win!

About St. Paul’s Foundation
St. Paul’s Foundation raises funds to support compassionate, inspired care at Providence Health Care’s 17 sites across BC, including St. Paul’s Hospital, and at Providence Living’s long-term care homes. Together, we care for tens of thousands of people each year, from newborn babies to seniors in long-term care.

Your support will help save and improve lives. Thank you!

BC Gaming Event Licence #RAF136956 | Know your limit, play within it. 19+

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Win BIG with St. Paul’s Foundation’s Summer 50/50 raffle.

VANCOUVER, BC, August 17, 2023 — Don’t miss out on this opportunity to buy your tickets for St. Paul’s Foundation’s Summer 50/50 raffle.

One lucky winner will take home half the jackpot, while the other half will go directly toward supporting patients, long-term care residents, and their families with compassionate, comforting care across BC.

St. Paul’s Hospital is a provincial referral centre for some of the province’s most complex cases. Many patients have chronic health issues and are extremely vulnerable.

Clothing depot affords dignity to patients with complex medical and social needs

When patients visit St. Paul’s Hospital, sometimes the only clothes they own – which may be greatly worn, soiled or threadbare – are removed and disposed of, rendering the patient extremely vulnerable.

Thanks to raffle supporters like you, Providence Health Care’s Clothing Depot provides essential clothing to patients in need, preserving their dignity. All departments across St. Paul’s Hospital have access to this program.

A humble hallmark of the compassionate care offered to patients with complex medical and social needs.

Help provide comfort and dignity. Buy your ticket today.

Tickets are available for purchase until August 29. The winner will be drawn on August 30. Ticket bundles are available, and can increase your chances of winning!

  • 3 for $10
  • 20 for $25
  • 120 for $50 (the best value and your best chance to win)

And remember the more tickets you buy, the more chances you have to win!

About St. Paul’s Foundation

St. Paul’s Foundation raises funds to support compassionate, inspired care at Providence Health Care’s 17 sites across BC, including St. Paul’s Hospital, and at Providence Living’s long-term care homes. Together, we care for tens of thousands of people each year, from newborn babies to seniors in long-term care.

Your support will help save and improve lives. Thank you!

BC Gaming Event Licence #RAF136956 | Know your limit, play within it. 19+

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Share the joy of music with St. Paul’s Foundation’s Summer 50/50 raffle

VANCOUVER, BC, August 10, 2023 — Try your luck in St. Paul’s Foundation’s Summer 50/50 raffle. One lucky winner will take home half the jackpot, while the other half will go directly toward supporting patients, long-term care residents, and their families with compassionate, comforting care across BC.

You can help bring the joy of music to many of the residents cared for at Providence Health Care.

Music therapy programs bring so much happiness to patients and residents

Soundbeam is an instrument that uses motion sensors to detect movements and turn them into music. Lucy Thomas, a music therapist at St. Vincent’s: Langara, uses Soundbeam to help long-term care residents find joy even if they have limited mobility or vocal abilities.

Residents can make music with just a wave of a hand or a wiggle of a toe. Some residents have illnesses or conditions that make movement difficult, so this adaptive technology has a truly positive impact on their quality of life. It gives them the opportunity to create and enjoy beautiful music regardless of their ability or skill level.


Your purchase will support many wonderful music initiatives across Providence’s network of hospitals and residences, including access to musical instruments and musical programming.

A humble hallmark of the compassionate care offered to patients and residents throughout Providence.

Share the joy of music. Buy your tickets today.

Tickets are available for purchase from August 1 through 29. The winner will be drawn on August 30. Ticket bundles are available, and can increase your chances of winning!

  • 3 for $10
  • 20 for $25
  • 120 for $50 (the very best value and your best chance to win)

Get your tickets on the summer 50/50 raffle website.

Remember the more tickets you buy, the more chances you have to win!

About St. Paul’s Foundation

St. Paul’s Foundation raises funds to support compassionate, inspired care at Providence Health Care’s 17 sites across BC, including St. Paul’s Hospital, and at Providence Living’s long-term care homes. Together, we care for tens of thousands of people each year, from newborn babies to seniors in long-term care.

Your support will help save and improve lives. Thank you!

BC Gaming Event Licence #RAF136956 | Know your limit, play within it. 19+

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Share the joy of music with St. Paul’s Foundation’s Summer 50/50 raffle

VANCOUVER, BC, August 2, 2023 — Try your luck in St. Paul’s Foundation’s Summer 50/50 raffle. One lucky winner will take home half the jackpot, while the other half will go directly toward supporting patients, long-term care residents, and their families with compassionate, comforting care across BC.

You can help bring the joy of music to many of the residents cared for at Providence Health Care.

Music therapy programs bring so much happiness to patients and residents

Soundbeam is an instrument that uses motion sensors to detect movements and turn them into music. Lucy Thomas, a music therapist at St. Vincent’s: Langara, uses Soundbeam to help long-term care residents find joy even if they have limited mobility or vocal abilities.

Residents can make music with just a wave of a hand or a wiggle of a toe. Some residents have illnesses or conditions that make movement difficult, so this adaptive technology has a truly positive impact on their quality of life. It gives them the opportunity to create and enjoy beautiful music regardless of their ability or skill level.


Your purchase will support many wonderful music initiatives across Providence’s network of hospitals and residences, including access to musical instruments and musical programming.

A humble hallmark of the compassionate care offered to patients and residents throughout Providence.

Share the joy of music. Buy your tickets today.

Tickets are available for purchase from August 1 through 29. The winner will be drawn on August 30. Ticket bundles are available, and can increase your chances of winning!

  • 3 for $10
  • 20 for $25
  • 120 for $50 (the very best value and your best chance to win)

Get your tickets on the summer 50/50 raffle website.

Remember the more tickets you buy, the more chances you have to win!

About St. Paul’s Foundation

St. Paul’s Foundation raises funds to support compassionate, inspired care at Providence Health Care’s 17 sites across BC, including St. Paul’s Hospital, and at Providence Living’s long-term care homes. Together, we care for tens of thousands of people each year, from newborn babies to seniors in long-term care.

Your support will help save and improve lives. Thank you!

BC Gaming Event Licence #RAF136956 | Know your limit, play within it. 19+

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Last call for a chance to win. Get your Spring 50/50 raffle tickets now.

VANCOUVER, BC, May 30, 2023 — This is your last and final chance to get your St. Paul’s Foundation Spring 50/50 raffle tickets. The jackpot is now over $50,000 – and half could be yours! Draw closes tomorrow at 11:59 PM (midnight) PST.

Not only will you have the chance to win a fantastic cash prize, you will also be helping provide compassion and comfort to patients, long-term care residents, and their families across the province – today, and for years to come.

More tickets = more compassion + more chances to win!

Your ticket purchase will:

  • Provide an environment for residents to work and interact together, sharing stories and memories, through initiatives like the Therapeutic Cooking Program.
  • Bring a sense of pride and joy to patients and residents through a variety of gardening initiatives.
  • Reduce confusion, fear and isolation associated with hearing loss, by making pocket talkers, an assistive hearing device available to patients, residents and staff.

Don’t miss out on your last chance to win!

This is your last and final chance to purchase tickets. Draw closes at 11:59 PM (midnight) PST on Wednesday May 31. The winning number will be drawn on June 1 at 12:00 PM (noon) and will be posted on the Spring 50/50 raffle website within 2 hours after the draw.

Ticket bundles are available to increase your chances of winning:

  • 3 for $10
  • 20 for $25
  • 120 for $50

Buy your tickets at the Spring 50/50 raffle website to provide compassion and comfort – today, and for years to come.


About St. Paul’s Foundation

St. Paul’s Foundation raises funds to support compassionate, inspired care at Providence Health Care’s 17 sites across BC, including St. Paul’s Hospital. Together, we care for hundreds of thousands of people each year, from newborn babies to seniors in long-term care.

Your support will help save and improve lives. Thank you!

BC Gaming Event Licence #136956 | Know your limit, play within it. 19+


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Time is running out! Get your Spring 50/50 raffle tickets now!

VANCOUVER, BC, May 25, 2023 — Get your tickets now for St. Paul’s Foundation’s Spring 50/50 raffle. One lucky winner will take home half the jackpot. The other half will go directly toward supporting Providence patients, long-term care residents, and their families with compassionate, comforting care across BC.

Overall, 60% of Canadian aged 19 to 79 have a hearing problem. Hearing loss occurs frequently in older or elderly adults making it difficult to communicate, especially in a health care setting. It creates challenges for health care providers, patients and residents to share personal care plans or needs, to understand and follow medical advice and to make informed care choices.

Pocket talkers can reduce confusion, fear and isolation associated with hearing loss

Pocket talkers are hand-held assistive hearing devices that allow communication to take place between health care providers and patients and residents who are hard of hearing, reducing confusion, fear and isolation.

Thanks to raffle supporters like you, access to pocket talkers are available to patients, residents and staff throughout Providence, including long-term care homes and acute care settings.

Another humble hallmark of the compassionate care offered to patients and residents throughout Providence.

Each ticket is so much more than a chance to win

Tickets are available for purchase until May 31, 2023 at 11:59 PM (midnight) PST. The winning number will be drawn on June 1 at 12PM (noon) and will be posted on the Spring 50/50 raffle website within 2 hours after the draw.

Ticket bundles are available to increase your chances of winning:

  • 3 for $10
  • 20 for $25
  • 120 for $50 (the best value for your chance to win)

Remember the more tickets you buy, the more chances you have to win!


About St. Paul’s Foundation

St. Paul’s Foundation raises funds to support compassionate, inspired care at Providence Health Care’s 17 sites across BC, including St. Paul’s Hospital. Together, we care for hundreds of thousands of people each year, from newborn babies to seniors in long-term care.

Your support will help save and improve lives. Thank you!

BC Gaming Event Licence #136956 | Know your limit, play within it. 19+


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