
BC Lotteries News Articles

Help Build the Ronald McDonald Family Room at Royal Inland Hospital.

Kamloops, BC, November 5, 2021  — Ronald McDonald House plans to open a Family Room at Royal Inland Hospital (RIH) in 2024, providing accommodation and support for families who have a child being treated anywhere in the hospital and from anywhere in the Royal Inland Hospital Region.

The Kamloops Blazers are sponsoring a 50-50 raffle to support this exciting new project. RIH is a regional hospital serving the Cariboo, Central Fraser Canyon, North Thompson, Nicola, Shuswap and Kamloops areas. The Family Room will be a much appreciated new service for families from throughout this region.

This is your opportunity to participate in a 50/50 Raffle to help fund this exciting new service at Royal Inland Hospital.

The raffle runs from October 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021.

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Absolutely your last chance to WIN BIG!

VANCOUVER, BC, November 4, 2021 — Support the type 1 diabetes community by taking part in JDRF’s 50/50 raffle! Participants could end up winning half the jackpot while also making a difference in the lives of the over 300,000 Canadians living with type 1 diabetes (T1D).

Kenadie was diagnosed with T1D at the age of 7 and has been living with this incurable autoimmune disease for 8 years. Life with T1D isn’t easy but she manages to make it beautiful.

Since her diagnosis, Kenadie has been involved actively with JDRF in many ways. She participated as a Kids for a Cure 2020 ambassador to educate politicians on T1D, and hosted the Promise Ball Gala in 2019 and the Kids for a Cure Lobby Day in 2016. She has also been a national campaign ambassador for JDRF and The Charles H. Best Diabetes Centre.

In her free time, Kenadie enjoys playing volleyball, dancing, swimming, and playing with her golden-doodle dog, named Brady. She and her family work together to raise awareness about T1D through presentations and school tours, doing their best to help people understand the realities of living with the disease, and why research into a cure is so important.

The 50/50 raffle offers people the chance to win big while giving kids like Kenadie, and their families, hope for a world one day free from T1D. Each ticket purchase helps JDRF raise critical funds for research that will one day find a cure and turn type 1 into type none.

Tickets Available Online

3-Ticket Pack for $10;
15-Ticket Pack for $25;
35-Ticket Pack for $50;
100-Ticket Pack for $100

About JDRF Canada

JDRF is the leading global organization funding type 1 diabetes (T1D) research. Our mission is to accelerate life-changing breakthroughs to cure, prevent and treat T1D and its complications. For more information, please visit the JDRF website.

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Don't Miss Your Chance to Win!
Final Deadline Tonight!

New Westminster, BC, November 3, 2021 — Take part in Royal Columbian Hospital Foundation’s 50/50 lottery and you could win big while supporting your healthcare heroes care for BC’s most seriously ill and injured patients.

Are YOU the next winner? Final hours to purchase your tickets to Royal Columbian Hospital Foundation’s last 50/50 lottery of 2021!

$91,000 and growing! This is the final day to get tickets to Royal Columbian Hospital Foundation’s 50/50 draw! How high will the jackpot climb? When your healthcare heroes win, so do you!

Tickets are 10 for $10, 50 for $20 and 200 for $40!

Deadline to purchase tickets is tonight, Wednesday, November 3, 2021 at 11:59:59 p.m. Enter now for a chance to win big and help Royal Columbian Hospital Foundation. The lucky winner gets half the final jackpot!

Buy tickets today! Tickets must be purchased on the lottery’s website.

About Royal Columbian Hospital

From the beginning, Royal Columbian Hospital has stood at the heart of health care in British Columbia. Created by visionary pioneers to provide compassionate care to those building a new province, we have participated in the social and economic changes of British Columbia since 1862. Today, we are one of British Columbia’s busiest hospitals, serving a population of more than 1.8 million people. We are a regional referral hospital for cardiac, trauma, neurosciences, high-risk maternity and neonatal intensive care. No other hospital in the province provides all of these services, at this level of care, on one site. We provide the highest level of care to the most critically ill and injured from throughout the province.

They are people like Martin Bisset. His wife Angie was reading when she first heard the strange sound. She would later describe it as either a gargling or vomiting noise. When their golden retriever started barking and running back and forth from where Martin was working out in their Nanaimo home, she decided to go check. What she found was terrifying. By the next day, the 39-year-old Martin would be helicoptered to Royal Columbian Hospital for a neurosurgical procedure to save the life of the father of two.

Martin Bisset, with wife Angie and their two children

“Basically, he was stuck in the kneeling position, straining forward, making this weird roaring sound,” Angie recalls. “He was unresponsive. He was staring straight ahead, straining and sweating.”

A CT scan at their local hospital discovered a ruptured brain aneurysm. Martin was suffering from a haemorrhagic stroke. It’s fatal in close to half of all cases.

From Nanaimo, Martin was rushed to Victoria. He was brought to the intensive care unit as plans were put in place to fly him urgently to Royal Columbian Hospital and neurosurgeon Dr. Navraj Heran.

“He presented with a ruptured aneurysm where the blood leaks out of a blood vessel and spills into the space around the brain,” explains Dr. Heran, who estimates he treats about 120 cases like this each year. “It increases pressure and irritates the lining of the brain.”

In Fraser Health, all these cases are treated by Dr Heran without requiring invasive surgery to open the skull. Utilizing an innovative procedure that is only performed at a couple of hospitals in the province, Dr. Heran guides a catheter through a small incision in the thigh all the way up to the site of the aneurysm. He then uses small coils to fix the problem.

“Basically we put those coils into the aneurysm so it congeals the blood inside the weakness,” explains Dr. Heran.

Angie says the procedure took no longer than an hour, and they soon shifted their attention to Martin’s recovery. He stayed at Royal Columbian for just over two weeks, and both he and Angie have developed a strong appreciation for the care they were provided.

“We had absolutely amazing nurses and therapists,” says Angie. “They were so educated and aware. When you are in a situation that is so scary and unusual, and you have these people at your back that are the best of the best but also driven to continue to learn, there’s no words that express how comforting that is.”

Don’t miss out! Get your tickets before it’s too late. Support our healthcare heroes and help to provide care to those in need. Not only are you supporting healthcare in BC, but you can win big too!

Discover more about the Royal Columbian Hospital Foundation.

*open to BC residents only, must be 19+ to play, BCLC Licence #129087. Actual odds of winning are dependent on the number of tickets sold. Know your limit, play within it.

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Update: Order today to win a $30,000 Loyalty Bonus!

VANCOUVER, BC, Wednesday November 3, 2021 — The first bonus deadline for this year’s VGH Millionaire Lottery is only two days away! Order today to win a $30,000 prize – and you’ll be automatically entered in the Grand Prize Draw as well.

You win, you choose your Loyalty Bonus: select one of three prize options, including a Midland Appliance gift card package (worth $30,000), a 2021 Toyota C-HE LR, or $25,000 tax-free cash.

It’s a special reward for this year’s earliest buyers! Loyalty Bonus Deadline: Midnight, Friday, November 5t.

With your tickets, you’ll also be in to win the Fall Bonus draw (worth over $35,000), the Christmas Bonus draw (worth over $40,000), and 51 Early Bird draws (worth over $215,000), as well as the Grand Prize Draw – with nine multi-million dollar options, including a South Surrey home package worth over $3 million, or $2,700,000 tax-free cash.

Don’t forget to get your tickets for this year’s extra games as well: the Daily Cash PLUS and the 50/50 PLUS.

Last year’s 50/50 jackpot topped $2 million – and this year’s could be even bigger! (Winner takes half.)

We all need VGH and VGH needs you

With your Millionaire Lottery ticket purchases, you are supporting VGH & UBC Hospital Foundation and helping provide life-saving care at British Columbia’s largest hospital. You’re helping our doctors, nurses, staff, and health care workers – and all the patients who visit VGH every day.

Your Millionaire Lottery tickets support specialized adult health care and research at Vancouver General Hospital, UBC Hospital and GF Strong Rehab Centre. VGH is one of only two accredited adult Level 1 Trauma Centres in BC. And VGH together with UBC Hospital and GF Strong, are the province’s main referral centres for specialist care.

The simple truth is, if you are seriously ill or injured, our hospitals are your best chance. There are few illnesses or injuries the hospital’s medical teams cannot treat, no matter how complex or rare.

This is truly B.C.’s hospital, and the Millionaire Lottery is truly B.C.’s hospital lottery.


Order online at VGH Millionaire Lottery

By Phone: (604) 602-5848
Toll-Free: 1-888-445-5825

Tickets are available to purchase in-person at London Drugs throughout British Columbia.

Tickets cost 2 for $100 / 5 for $175 / 10 for $300 / 25 for $600

50/50 PLUS® and Daily Cash PLUS® tickets can only be ordered with your 2021 VGH Millionaire Lottery main lottery tickets.

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You Could Win a Winter Storm or Spring Getaway at The Wickaninnish Inn.

VICTORIA, BC, November 3, 2021 — Fun and free describes the Rotary Club of Victoria-Harbourside Rotary Raffle. With your ticket purchase you’ll be entered to win a $2000 gift card to Peninsula Co-op, good at any Federated Co-op.

But hurry, the deadline is tonight, Wednesday, November 3, midnight.

Organizers say the Harbourside Rotary Raffle is something all British Columbians can get excited about. The grand prize is a Winter Storm or Spring Getaway at The Wickaninnish Inn, Tofino. It includes use of a vehicle and even $1000 to spend while there.

See complete details and order your tickets on the Harbourside Rotary Raffle.

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Don't Miss Your Chance to Win!
Final Deadline Tomorrow!

New Westminster, BC, November 2, 2021 — Take part in Royal Columbian Hospital Foundation’s 50/50 lottery and you could win big while supporting your healthcare heroes care for BC’s most seriously ill and injured patients.

Are YOU the next winner? Purchase your tickets to Royal Columbian Hospital Foundation’s last 50/50 lottery of 2021!

$83,000 and growing! These are the final days to get tickets to Royal Columbian Hospital Foundation’s 50/50 draw! How high will the jackpot climb? When your healthcare heroes win, so do you!

Tickets are 10 for $10, 50 for $20 and 200 for $40!

Deadline to purchase tickets is Wednesday, November 3, 2021 at 11:59:59 p.m. Enter now for a chance to win big and help Royal Columbian Hospital Foundation. The lucky winner gets half the final jackpot!

Buy tickets today! Tickets must be purchased on the lottery’s website.

About Royal Columbian Hospital

From the beginning, Royal Columbian Hospital has stood at the heart of health care in British Columbia. Created by visionary pioneers to provide compassionate care to those building a new province, we have participated in the social and economic changes of British Columbia since 1862. Today, we are one of British Columbia’s busiest hospitals, serving a population of more than 1.8 million people. We are a regional referral hospital for cardiac, trauma, neurosciences, high-risk maternity and neonatal intensive care. No other hospital in the province provides all of these services, at this level of care, on one site. We provide the highest level of care to the most critically ill and injured from throughout the province.

Revolutionizing Patient Care

Royal Columbian Hospital is undergoing one of the most ambitious hospital redevelopments in Canadian history. This redevelopment goes beyond rebuilding a hospital. It is transformational. This multi-year, multi-phase $1.49 billion redevelopment will revolutionize the way we deliver care to our patients by creating a world-class, state-of-the-art hospital that provides uncompromising care.

The cornerstone of the project – a new Acute Care Tower – will elevate lifesaving care that serves one third of our province’s population in the largest and fastest growing health region in BC.

Our vision is to create a world-class hospital: a state-of-the art facility that provides uncompromising care and remarkable patient experiences.
With a larger footprint and the introduction of cutting-edge technology, we will continue to respond to the needs of patients in their most urgent, life-altering moments.

A Transformation in Interventional Care

Intervention is at the core of modern health care. Every day, interventional specialists at Royal Columbian Hospital step forward to turn the tide for their patients – often with minimally-invasive procedures including heart and stroke emergencies.

Our world-class medical teams perform more open-heart surgeries and treat more emergency heart attacks than any other hospital in BC. For this reason, RCH is often considered the region’s emergency room for the heart. Royal Columbian is home to the busiest cardiac intervention unit in Canada, performing more angioplasties than any other hospital in the country. We are also our region’s only site performing open-heart surgery, with more than 1,000 cases annually. This is the most of any hospital in BC. RCH also has the province’s only mobile ECLS (extracorporeal life support) team, ready to respond at a moment’s notice to retrieve from other hospitals patients whose heart and/or lungs are failing. Often, this is a patient’s very last chance at life.

Meanwhile, the Interventional Radiology (IR) department at RCH provides some of the most complex image-guided procedures in the Fraser Health region and the province. These procedures are utilized for patients experiencing challenging medical conditions with origins in the vascular, gastrointestinal, pulmonary, musculoskeletal and nervous systems, among others. Royal Columbian plays an integral role in stroke care in our region, as the cornerstone of a 24/7 Acute Stroke Team, including comprehensive stroke care by our interventional radiologists. RCH has also led the implementation of innovative image-guided cancer treatments in the region.

The creation of an interventional superfloor in the Acute Care Tower with multiple interventional suites will equip us with advanced, state-of-the art imaging technology that allows for absolute precision. This floor will house eight interventional suites that will be universal, meaning that if needed, any suite could be used for either interventional cardiology or radiology. At opening, four suites will be used exclusively for interventional cardiac procedures and four suites for interventional radiology. These new suites will have increased functionality. Unlike our current catheterization labs, they will be equipped and designed for procedures like trans-aortic valve implantation (TAVI), to replace failing heart valves, and cardiac ablation to correct arrhythmias.

Without question, cutting-edge technology is an essential component of interventional procedures. Specialists rely on monitoring and real-time imaging technology to complete critical procedures. Each interventional suite will be equipped with advanced, state-of-the-art technology that allows for absolute precision – and the best possible outcomes for patients.

As well as supporting interventional care, Royal Columbian’s redevelopment will include a new, larger Emergency department with a medical imaging unit strategically placed within the ER, new and larger maternity, pediatric, and neonatal intensive care units, and multiple floors for acute and critical care patients. 

This transformation is one example of how you can help by purchasing your tickets.

Get your tickets today. Support our healthcare heroes and help to provide care to those in need. Not only are you supporting healthcare in BC, but you can win big too!

Discover more about the Royal Columbian Hospital Foundation.

*open to BC residents only, must be 19+ to play, BCLC Licence #129087. Actual odds of winning are dependent on the number of tickets sold. Know your limit, play within it.

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Give hope, win big with St. Paul’s Foundation’s Lights of Hope 50/50 raffle.

VANCOUVER, BC, November 1, 2021 — St. Paul’s Foundation has launched their Lights of Hope 50/50 raffle and one lucky winner will take home half the jackpot. The other half will go directly toward supporting patients, long-term care residents, and their families with compassionate, comforting care across B.C.

Give hope for today and tomorrow.

Health care has been in an unrelenting spotlight for the last 18 months. Across Providence, courageous frontline teams have worked tirelessly to provide exceptional patient and resident care.

St. Paul’s Hospital is a provincial referral centre for some of the province’s most complex cases. Many patients have chronic health issues and are extremely vulnerable. They are often at greater risk of COVID-19 and the slow recovery and long-term challenges that can accompany it.

In addition, a significant number of people come to Providence from the intersection of the triple public health emergency: the pandemic, the opioid crisis, and mental health disorders.

When you buy a raffle ticket, you make it possible for St. Paul’s Foundation to fund countless programs and services in Vancouver and right across British Columbia. Your ticket helps save lives, provides comfort, ensures staff have essential tools and equipment, and supports patients in their journey of recovery so they feel connected, recognized, and cared for.

Tickets are available for purchase from November 1 through 30 and the winner will be drawn on November 30. Ticket bundles are available, and can increase your chances of winning!

  • 3 for $10
  • 20 for $25
  • 120 for $50 (the very best value and your best chance to win)

Hope is a journey. Join us. Buy your ticket today

Get your tickets at the Lights of Hope 50/50 raffle website.

 Remember the more tickets you buy, the more chances you have to win!


About St. Paul’s Foundation

St. Paul’s Foundation raises funds to support compassionate, inspired care at Providence Health Care’s 17 sites across BC, including St. Paul’s Hospital. Together, we care for hundreds of thousands of people each year, from newborn babies to seniors in long-term care.

Your support will help save and improve lives and fund groundbreaking research initiatives that change the way we diagnose and treat disease. Thank you!

BC Gaming Event Licence #127753 | Know your limit, play within it. 19+

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Don't Miss Your Chance to Win!
Only Two Days Left!

New Westminster, BC, November 1, 2021 — Help support exceptional care for BC’s most seriously ill and injured patients by taking part in our final draw of 2021! Buy your tickets to Royal Columbian Hospital Foundation’s 50/50 lottery and you could win big while supporting your healthcare heroes.

How high will the jackpot climb? Already surpassing $72,000, each ticket sold pushes the jackpot even higher! Get yours before time is up.

Final days before the purchase deadline, get your tickets NOW! Why? Because when your healthcare heroes win, so do you!

Tickets are 10 for $10, 50 for $20 and 200 for $40!

Buy tickets today! Tickets must be purchased on the lottery’s website.

Deadline to purchase tickets is Wednesday November 3rd, 2021 at 11:59:59pm. Enter now for a chance to win big and help Royal Columbian Hospital Foundation. The lucky winner gets half the final jackpot!

About Royal Columbian Hospital

From the beginning, Royal Columbian Hospital has stood at the heart of health care in British Columbia. Created by visionary pioneers to provide compassionate care to those building a new province, we have participated in the social and economic changes of British Columbia since 1862. Today, we are one of British Columbia’s busiest hospitals, serving a population of more than 1.8 million people. We are a regional referral hospital for cardiac, trauma, neurosciences, high-risk maternity and neonatal intensive care. No other hospital in the province provides all of these services, at this level of care, on one site. We provide the highest level of care to the most critically ill and injured from throughout the province.

Revolutionizing Patient Care

Royal Columbian Hospital is undergoing one of the most ambitious hospital redevelopments in Canadian history. This redevelopment goes beyond rebuilding a hospital. It is transformational. This multi-year, multi-phase $1.49 billion redevelopment will revolutionize the way we deliver care to our patients by creating a world-class, state-of-the-art hospital that provides uncompromising care.

The cornerstone of the project – a new Acute Care Tower – will elevate lifesaving care that serves one third of our province’s population in the largest and fastest growing health region in BC.

Our vision is to create a world-class hospital: a state-of-the art facility that provides uncompromising care and remarkable patient experiences.
With a larger footprint and the introduction of cutting-edge technology, we will continue to respond to the needs of patients in their most urgent, life-altering moments.

A Transformation in emergency and trauma care

Trauma physicians refer to the first hour after a traumatic injury as the ‘golden hour’ – they are the critical minutes for medical and surgical intervention.   When a traumatic incident occurs, the clock starts to tick. Every moment counts – and life hangs in the balance.

The Emergency Department, one of the most highly utilized in the province, is the entry point to trauma care, and both services will receive significant additions during the hospital’s redevelopment. The new Acute Care Tower will house a larger Emergency department with 75 state-of-the-art treatment bays – increasing total space by more than half.

As one of two Level 1 Trauma Centres for adults in BC, Royal Columbian is equipped, trained and certified to deal with large-scale catastrophes. It receives more Air Ambulance patients directly from accident scenes than any other hospital in the province.

In the new Acute Care Tower, the Emergency Department will include four trauma bays and a new Imaging Unit, strategically placed within the Emergency Department to drastically speed up access to diagnostic procedures.

Also, one operating room will be purpose-built and always available for trauma patients, to help avoid interrupting scheduled surgeries.

These additions and improvements will speed up admission, assessment and treatment. The hospital will have more space to accommodate all types of ER patients, and trauma patients can avoid being moved from one part of the hospital to another to get the scans they need.

As well as supporting emergency and trauma care, Royal Columbian’s redevelopment will include an interventional super floor with operating rooms and interventional radiology and cardiology suites, new and larger maternity, pediatric, and neonatal intensive care units, and multiple floors for acute and critical care patients. 

This transformation is one example of how you can help by purchasing your tickets.

Get your tickets today. Support our healthcare heroes and help to provide care to those in need.

Discover more about the Royal Columbian Hospital Foundation.

*open to BC residents only, must be 19+ to play, BCLC Licence #129087. Actual odds of winning are dependent on the number of tickets sold. Know your limit, play within it.

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Buy your BIG BC lotto 50/50 Ticket Now and Have a BIG Impact on BC Kids

Vancouver, BC, October, 29, 2021 — WIN BIG AND SUPPORT BC KIDS

For the SECOND TIME, Big Brothers Big Sisters Agencies across BC have joined together for the BIG BC LOTTO 50/50.  This means that your ticket purchase has an even BIGGER impact on the lives of youth across our province!  BBBS serves more than 7000 children and youth annually in over 60 communities from the Interior, Lower Mainland, Vancouver Island to Northern BC.

1 for $10
5 for $25
20 for $50
60 for $100 – Best chance to WIN!

By purchasing a 50/50 ticket bundle, you get multiple chances to win! The more you buy, the more chances you have to win and the jackpot gets bigger! What will you do with the jackpot?

ODDS ARE 1 IN 62,500!

Your chance to win, is a child’s chance to have a caring adult mentor in their life.

Big Brothers Big Sisters believes that creating connections between a caring adult and a youth facing life’s challenges ultimately helps them reach their full potential. Mental Health challenges are at an all-time high for youth.  Big Brothers Big Sisters is on the front lines helping youth and their families navigate the mental, economic and educational impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic. Research shows that a $1 investment in mentorship has an $23 return on society – that is a BIG reward. The pandemic has caused increased strain on children and youth. One in four kids says their friendships have been negatively affected by stay-at-home orders, and loneliness was the third most-used word by kids between the ages of 10 and 17 when describing how they’ve felt. Kids need your help to stay connected and reach their full potential!

Your chances of winning 50% of the pot are too BIG to miss!

Your purchase will support 11 BC Big Brothers Big Sisters Agencies and over 7000 youth in need of someone who cares about them.

Tickets: 1 for $10, 5 for $25, 20 for $50, 60 for $100
Draw Date: December 3, 2021 at 12:00 p.m.
Odds are 1 in 62,500!

Visit the BIG BC Lotto 50/50 to buy your tickets.

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Last Weekend before Loyalty Bonus Deadline

VANCOUVER, BC, October 29, 2021 — There are over 3,000 prizes up for grabs in this year’s Millionaire Lottery and, when you order early, you’re in to win more!

Every ticket ordered by Midnight, Friday, November 5th will be automatically entered into this year’s first bonus draw – to win one of three Loyalty Bonus options, including a Midland Appliance gift card package (worth $30,000), a 2021 Toyota C-HE LR, or $25,000 tax-free cash.

It’s a special reward for this year’s earliest buyers!

And, with your tickets, you’ll also be in to win the Fall Bonus draw (worth over $35,000), the Christmas Bonus draw (worth over $40,000), and 51 Early Bird draws (worth over $215,000), as well as the Grand Prize Draw – with nine multi-million dollar options, including a home package worth over $3 million, or $2,700,000 tax-free cash.

Which would you choose?

Suburban serenity in South Surrey’s idyllic Ocean Park neighbourhood… ocean-view living on Vancouver Island, at SookePoint… a sub-penthouse in the city, in Vancouver and False Creek… a waterfront condo overlooking the city, in North Vancouver, steps from the Shipyards and Lonsdale Quay… a golf course resort home at Crown Isle, in Courtenay… 5,148 square feet of comfort, luxury, and country living in Langley… or, a penthouse in White Rock, smack-dab in the middle of one of British Columbia’s premier oceanside communities, overlooking the Pier and the Pacific Ocean…

Or, take the cash and become a multi-millionaire in an instant.

Don’t forget to get your tickets for this year’s extra games as well: the Daily Cash PLUS and the 50/50 PLUS.

Last year’s 50/50 jackpot topped $2 million – and this year’s could be even bigger! (Winner takes half.)

We all need VGH and VGH needs you

With your Millionaire Lottery ticket purchases, you are supporting VGH & UBC Hospital Foundation and helping provide life-saving care at British Columbia’s largest hospital. You’re helping our doctors, nurses, staff, and health care workers – and all the patients who visit VGH every day.

Your Millionaire Lottery tickets support specialized adult health care and research at Vancouver General Hospital, UBC Hospital and GF Strong Rehab Centre. VGH is one of only two accredited adult Level 1 Trauma Centres in BC. And VGH together with UBC Hospital and GF Strong, are the province’s main referral centres for specialist care.

The simple truth is, if you are seriously ill or injured, our hospitals are your best chance. There are few illnesses or injuries the hospital’s medical teams cannot treat, no matter how complex or rare.

This is truly B.C.’s hospital, and the Millionaire Lottery is truly B.C.’s hospital lottery.


Order online at VGH Millionaire Lottery

By Phone: (604) 602-5848
Toll-Free: 1-888-445-5825

Tickets are available to purchase in-person at London Drugs throughout British Columbia.

Tickets cost 2 for $100 / 5 for $175 / 10 for $300 / 25 for $600

50/50 PLUS® and Daily Cash PLUS® tickets can only be ordered with your 2021 VGH Millionaire Lottery main lottery tickets.

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Infinite Gravity® is a registered trademark of Infinite Gravity Digital Media Ltd. The Home Lottery News™ is a trademark of Infinite Gravity® Digital Media Ltd.

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Know Your Limit, Play Within It