
Early Bird #1 winner announced in the 2018 Oil Barons Dream Home Lottery

FORT McMURRAY, AB, December 29, 2017 — January is a great month to get out of dodge and settle on a warm beach somewhere, wouldn’t you think? Surely winning ticket #10518 does, and as the Early Bird #1 winner, they will be able to take their $5,000 travel voucher and $5,000 cash and go chase that sunshine! 

The Early Bird #1 draw took place December 29, from the pool of tickets purchased before December 10, 2017. 

The next Early Bird prize kicks it up a notch, with $50,000 cash on the line! Australia, Southeast Asia, an epic Eurotrip… the whole world opens up to you with that kind of money! If you want a chance to go on an adventure in 2018, then make sure to purchase your ticket to the 2018 Oil Barons Dream Home Lottery before the Early Bird #2 deadline on January 28, 2018.

Why not grab a Cash 50% Bonus ticket as well? It offers a minimum payout of $136,500 or 50% of total ticket sales (whichever is greater).  Cash 50% tickets must be ordered in conjunction with your main lottery ticket.

For ticket information, including how to order tickets, full prize information, and details on how to reach the lottery website, see our 2018 Oil Barons Dream Home Lottery reference page

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