Edmonton, Alberta, January 17, 2020 — The 40th Big Brothers Big Sisters Dream Home Lottery is here and this year’s Grand Prize is a fully furnished $1.3 Million Dollar Dream Home PLUS $100,000 Cash.
Tickets start at just $30 and if you buy early you’ll also be included in our Cash Early Bird Draws.
Don’t forget your Win50 (50/50) tickets! Tickets start at just $10 and you could win up to half of $1.4 Million. The jackpot is already at $655,000 and growing faster than ever before. Don’t miss your chance to win BIG.
Each year, Boys & Girls Clubs Big Brothers Big Sisters of Edmonton & Area provides free after-school programming to over 5300 children & youth through 15 neighbourhood clubs. Activities include support for school homework, hot meals and mentoring programs that pair a caring adult with a child who may need guidance and a helping hand at a critical point in their lives.
We want to share with you the impact you’ve had on Michael (Little Brother) and Jacob (Big Brother).
Michael, an 8 year old boy living with a single parent mother, had a stressful home life, would regularly miss school and was behind academically. Because he didn’t have any male role models, we were able to match him with his new Big Brother Jacob. They connected right away and it wasn’t long before they even had a secret handshake!
A year later, Michael never misses school, especially on the one day a week where Jacob comes to see him. Michael has opened up to Jacob about some difficult stuff in his life including challenges he was facing at home. It’s clear that Jacob has become a trusted and caring adult for Michael.
Michael’s mom shared how positive the experience of having a Big Brother has been for both of them, including helping Michael grow his confidence, improve academic skills, and build relationships with his peers.
Michael is one of thousands of kids in our community that has been positively impacted by the generosity of people just like you.
To purchase your tickets visit: bigbrothershomelottery.org
Or call us toll free at 1.877.483.8832
When You Buy a Ticket, You Help a Child.
Get in to win.

Or order by phone by calling toll-free 1-877-483-8832.
Big Brothers Big Sisters Dream Home & Win50 Lottery – Licence #536379 | Win50 Licence #536380