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Hospice Niagara’s 5 Car Draw is Back

St. Catharines, ON, May 30, 2022 — Back for its 14th year, Hospice Niagara’s 5 Car Draw offers more than $225,000 in prizes, including:

  • $10,000 Early Bird Prize (draw date June 20, 2022)
  • Two $7,500 Bonus Draws (draw date July 11, 2022)
  • Grand Prize Draw (draw date August 1, 2022)
    • Toyota Corolla Hatchback or $20,000
    • Honda Civic LX or $22,000
    • Mazda CX-5 Kuro or $35,000
    • Chevrolet Camaro Convertible or $38,000
    • Ford F-150 XLT or $40,000

 Buy Early and Win Even More!

There are 10,000 reasons to buy your tickets early. The Early Bird Prize of $10,000 is not to be missed. Buy early to be eligible for all of the draws.

Tickets are only $25 each and all proceeds stay in Niagara. For an even better deal, bundles of 5 tickets are $100, or get 10 for only $175.

Get your tickets at 

About Hospice Niagara

Hospice Niagara helps people live well from the time of diagnosis with a terminal illness, at end of life and while grieving a death. This specialized care is provided with compassion and dignity by a team of professionals in homes and the hospice residence, free of cost. The 5 Car Draw lottery is their biggest fundraising event each year.

RAF #1238401

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Last Weekend Before Summer Dream Bonus Deadline

WINNIPEG, MB, Friday, May 27, 2022 — This Bonus really could be your Summer Dreams come true!

Order your Tri-Hospital Dream Lottery tickets today and get in to win a $76,000 prize draw – just for buying early. Win the Summer Dream Bonus draw and choose one of three prize options:

  • A 2022 Tesla Model 3
  • A 2022 Ford F-150 Electric
  • Or $67,000 CASH

Of course, when you buy early, your tickets will also be automatically entered in the Early Bird draws – for the chance to win a 2022 Jeep Wagoneer, Jayco Jay Flight Trailer, and $25,000 cash, or a 2022 Leisure Travel Vans Wonder and $25,000 cash, or two Mercedes-Benz and $15,000 cash, or $210,000 cash. You’ll also be entered to win the Grand Prize draw – and choose a ‘Dream Home’ package worth over $1.5 million, or $1.25 million cash.

It’s the biggest cash Grand Prize in Tri-Hospital Dream Lottery history!

This is Manitoba’s biggest hospital home lottery of the summer, and it’s your best chance to become our newest millionaire.

UPDATE: The 2022 Tri-Hospital Dream Lottery is approaching 70% sold. Hurry! Last year’s lottery sold out early and this year, tickets are selling fast once again.

UPDATE: The 50/50 PLUS jackpot is almost $1,000,000! Get your tickets and get in to win half this summer’s biggest jackpot. (Max jackpot: $2.5 million.)

Get your tickets for the Extra Cash PLUS as well, with $148,000 in cash prizes and 120 winners – including 116 winners of $1,000 cash each and four winners of $8,000 cash each.

Together, we can all win

Your ticket purchase changes lives. Each year, hundreds of thousands of Manitobans – including children – depend on our hospitals to be there in times of greatest need. St. Boniface Hospital, Health Sciences Centre, and HSC Children’s Hospital serve a combined one million patients annually – and help deliver close to 11,000 babies each year. And all funds raised by the Tri-Hospital Dream Lottery stay right here in Manitoba.

From labour and delivery to palliative care… we are here for you, for life.

Funds raised from this year’s lottery will go directly toward improving patient care, funding research, and purchasing specialized equipment and technology, which will benefit all the patients that visit our hospitals annually – and all our doctors, nurses, staff, and health care heroes who work so hard for our province and all Manitobans.


Order online at Tri-Hospital Dream Lottery

Order Now

By Phone: 204-254-9131
Toll-Free: 1-844-654-4677

Tickets can be purchased in-person at London Drugs at St. Vital Centre, Red River Co-op Food Stores, and Main Street Pharmacy, as well as select Shoppers Drug Mart locations in Winnipeg, Selkirk, and Portage la Prairie. 

Tickets cost 1 for $100 / 2 for $175 / 4 for $300 / 8 for $500

  • 50/50 PLUS tickets are 2 for $20 / 10 for $40 / 30 for $60 / 60 for $80
  • Extra Cash PLUS tickets are 2 for $20 / 5 for $40 / 15 for $60 / 40 for $80

50/50 PLUS and Extra Cash PLUS tickets can only be ordered with your 2022 Tri-Hospital Dream Lottery main ticket(s) on the same transaction.

License Numbers: LGCA 1517-RF-36652, LGCA 1517-RF-36699, LGCA 1517-RF-36738

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Buy your Canuck Place 50/50 tickets today for your chance to win big!

Vancouver, BC, May 27, 2022 — Purchase your tickets today for the Canuck Place 50/50, presented by RE/MAX Agents of the Lower Mainland, to support Canuck Place Children’s Hospice and give yourself the chance to win big! Someone is going to take home half of the jackpot: will it be you?

Tickets are 3 for $5, 7 for $10, 50 for $20 or 150 for $50. The winner will split the anticipated $500,000 jackpot with Canuck Place Children’s Hospice. Your ticket purchase will help provide exceptional care for children with life-threatening illnesses and the families who love them in BC and the Yukon. Odds are you will help families in need, buy your tickets now!


Your ticket purchase allows Canuck Place children to share in the beauty and joy of music.

Canuck Place is here for the journey. Music therapy at Canuck Place serves many purposes, from memory making, to expressive therapy, to creating an accessible way for children and families to have fun and connect. It is an important part of the care provided at Canuck Place, allowing both children and families to express emotions, connect with others, communicate nonverbally, and manage distressing symptoms in a safe, creative place.

Thank you to our sponsors


About Canuck Place Children’s Hospice

Canuck Place is British Columbia and the Yukon’s only pediatric palliative care provider for children with life-threatening illnesses and the families who love them. Our team of physicians, nurses, counsellors, therapists, staff, and volunteers provide medical respite care, pain and symptom management, a provincial 24-hour clinical care line, art, music, and recreation therapy, end-of-life care, grief, loss, and bereavement counselling in our Vancouver and Abbotsford hospices and in communities across BC and Yukon. All at no cost to the families.

We are here with love, care, and guidance when and where families need us the most. Your ticket purchase today will help make this care possible.

Ticket Sales End: Wednesday, June 8 at midnight PDT
Draw Date:  Friday, June 10 at 11:00 a.m. PDT
Tickets can be purchased by British Columbia residents over 19 years of age.

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Heroes Bonus Deadline: Midnight, Tonight

VANCOUVER, BC, Friday, May 27, 2022 — When you order early, there’s so much more you can win!

Why wait? The Heroes Bonus Deadline is Midnight, Tonight (Friday, May 27) – and every ticket ordered will be entered to win a prize draw worth over $26,000:

  • Choose a 2022 Mazda 3 Sport GX MT
  • Or a $25,000 Midland Appliance package, plus $5,000 cash
  • Or $24,000 cash

Every Hometown Heroes Lottery ticket ordered today will also be entered in the Summer Bonus draw (worth over $31,000), the Early Bird draws (51 winners; worth over $145,000) and the Grand Prize draw (with 10 options, including a $2.7 million home package – or $2.2 million cash).

UPDATE: Tickets for the 2022 Hometown Heroes Lottery are already over 80% sold, and the 50/50 PLUS jackpot is over $1.7 million.

Last year’s lottery sold out early, and this year’s lottery is on-pace to sell out early once again!

The Hometown Heroes Lottery is B.C.’s most affordable hospital home lottery. Tickets start at just 3 for $75.

Don’t forget to get your tickets for this year’s two extra games: the Daily Cash PLUS returns for 2022 with 105 days of winning and $310,000 in total cash prizes – and the 50/50 PLUS jackpot could reach $2.4 million. Winner takes half.

Last year’s 50/50 winner took home $1,103,932. This year, it could be you!

Every ticket changes a life

They’re there when you need them… now it’s your turn to be there for them.

BC’s Hometown Heroes come to the aid of people in life-threatening situations every day. From rescue to recovery, BC’s front-line workers and first responders – our fire fighters, along with the doctors, nurses, and health care teams at Vancouver General Hospital – are always on duty for critically ill and severely injured British Columbians. When you need help, these heroes respond.

Your Hometown Heroes Lottery ticket purchases support VGH & UBC Hospital Foundation, raising essential funds for specialized adult health services and research at VGH and UBC Hospital, GF Strong Rehab Centre, Vancouver Coastal Health Research Institute and Vancouver Community Health Services for all British Columbians. Ticket purchases also support programs of the BC Professional Fire Fighters’ Burn Fund, including burn survivor support services and resiliency programs for fire fighters.


Get your tickets online at Heroes Lottery 

By Phone: 604-648-4376
Toll-Free: 1-866-597-4376

Tickets are also available for purchase in-person at London Drugs stores throughout British Columbia.

Tickets cost 3 for $75 / 7 for $125 / 21 for $300 / 40 for $500

  • 50/50 PLUS tickets are 2 for $15 / 6 for $30 / 20 for $60 / 40 for $80
  • Daily Cash PLUS tickets are 2 for $25 / 6 for $50 / 12 for $75

50/50 PLUS and Daily Cash PLUS tickets can only be purchased if a 2022 Hometown Heroes Lottery main ticket has been purchased.

Where a prize winner has an option(s), they will choose one prize option; the other options will not be awarded.

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Royal Columbian Hospital Foundation's 50/50 is Back!

New Westminster, BC, May 27, 2022 — It’s back! Royal Columbian Hospital Foundation’s 50/50 lottery has returned for it’s 5th and most exciting lottery yet. Get your tickets today and you could win big while supporting BC’s most seriously ill and injured patients

How high will Royal Columbian Hospital Foundation’s 5050 climb?

With a guaranteed jackpot of $10,000, the sky’s the limit for how big the prize can get!

Help Royal Columbian Hospital Foundation’s 5050 Jackpot reach record levels!  Michael W., the winner of their last jackpot took home a prize of $53,265. You could be next when they draw on June 30!

Tickets are 10 for $10, 50 for $20 and 250 for $40 (Best value)!

Deadline to purchase tickets is Wednesday June 29, 2022 at 11:59:59 p.m. Enter now for a chance to win big and help Royal Columbian Hospital Foundation. The lucky winner gets half the final jackpot!

Buy tickets today! Tickets must be purchased on their website.

About Royal Columbian Hospital:

From the beginning, Royal Columbian Hospital has stood at the heart of health care in British Columbia. Created by visionary pioneers to provide compassionate care to those building a new province, we have participated in the social and economic changes of British Columbia since 1862. Today, we are one of British Columbia’s busiest hospitals, serving a population of close to two million people. We are a regional referral hospital for cardiac, trauma, neurosciences, high-risk maternity and neonatal intensive care. No other hospital in the province provides all of these services, at this level of care, on one site. We provide the highest level of care to the most critically ill and injured from throughout the province.

Mental Health is more important now, than ever!

Feelings of anxiety are common with the stresses of everyday life, and the challenges of the past two years have put additional strain on many who are already feeling overwhelmed. It is no wonder that one-in-five British Columbians are affected by mental health challenges or illness in any given year. There are times when we need more support than our friends, family, and community can provide. Grateful patient Miranda Tymoschuk knows first-hand that Royal Columbian Hospital is a place for that support.

Miranda was born at Royal Columbian Hospital in 1996 and diagnosed with a rare condition in her leg which caused it to grow abnormally. The Tymoschuks were told that Miranda would have to undergo a series of surgeries to lengthen and straighten the bones in her leg. Then, at 5-years old, her dad passed away suddenly from a heart attack. With little family to rely on, Miranda’s mom was left alone to care for three young children, including Miranda with her significant health challenges.

Did you know up to 80% of ill or injured children experience traumatic stress reactions following a life-threatening illness, injury, or painful medical procedure?

Miranda went through her first surgeries when she was eight-years-old, and the second set when she was 12. After, she was eager to be a “normal” kid so she tried to ignore the abdominal pain and other symptoms that developed. As it worsened, Miranda saw many doctors and after years was finally diagnosed with Crohn’s disease, with additional complications. Just before Christmas Eve 2012 she became extremely unwell and was admitted due to a serious infection originating in the gallbladder. Sick and in unbearable pain, it was a very scary and lonely Christmas for the Tymoschuks.

What was most challenging, however, were the nightmares, flashbacks, anxiety, and depression that consumed Miranda after being discharged from the hospital. There were moments where she doubted whether it was worth it to keep going. With the chronic pain entangled with emotional pain, it wasn’t long before Miranda became addicted to opiates.

“I was ashamed to be struggling and it took time to ask for help. I was finally diagnosed with PTSD, connected with a great psychiatrist, and started counselling.”

Every day, people all around us – our friends, family members, and colleagues – experience struggles we may not even realize. But you can help Royal Columbian Hospital meet the pressing needs of our communities.   

Royal Columbian Hospital Foundation is incredibly grateful for the support for Royal Columbian’s Mental Health and Substance Use Wellness Centre, which opened in 2020. The centre has doubled the hospital’s capacity to care for patients in need of mental health care. Featuring increased patient privacy, access to green space, as well as room for exercise and creativity, the centre has been designed to facilitate recovery.

With the help of the Royal Columbian team, Miranda have gotten her life back. She is now in university and hopes to become a doctor; Miranda’s dream is to help others the way Royal Columbian doctors helped her. She currently works as a peer counselor for youth and fundraises for Royal Columbian and other organizations.

“I feel incredibly grateful to have the opportunity to give back, as I know how much of a difference that made to my story.” – Miranda Tymoschuk


Discover more about the Royal Columbian Hospital Foundation.

*open to BC residents only, must be 19+ to play, BCLC Licence #133017. Actual odds of winning are dependent on the number of tickets sold. Know your limit, play within it.

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Time is ticking!
There’s less than 12 hours to get your Coast Mental Health Foundation 50/50 ticket!

VANCOUVER, BC, May 27, 2022 — The deadline to play the Coast Mental Health Foundation 50/50 Raffle, is TODAY at 1:00 pm. Don’t miss out on your chance to win BIG for mental health.

Tickets start from just $10 for one, $25 for 3, $50 for 10, or $100 for 25. Winner takes half the jackpot!

When you play, you help thousands of people work towards more independent and fulfilling lives within the community, off the streets and out of hospital.

For people with chronic mental illnesses, the last year has been devastating. Isolation, change in routine, less access to crucial resources like affordable food, and lack of social interaction, can lead to major set-backs – in some cases, years’ worth of work has been lost. 

You will provide critical funds for people living with mental illness AND you could take home half the jackpot!

The clock is ticking and the Jackpot is growing. Don’t wait another minute.

You will have the chance to take home a cash prize and you’ll bring help and hope to your neighbours.

Tickets start from just $10 – don’t delay, purchase now before they run out.

About Coast Mental Health

As a non-profit organization, Coast Mental Health is BC’s largest provider of community-based services for people living with mental illness. Thanks to supporters like you, we provide the critical link between hospital services and our communities. We are an established leader in our field, known for high quality, innovative programs and research.

Each year, we provide essential services to nearly 6,000 people living with mental illness so they can find their meaningful place in our communities – a place to live, a place to connect, and a place to work.

Thank you for supporting people living with mental illness!


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Tickets are selling FAST! Get Yours TODAY!


CAMPBELL RIVER, BC, May 27, 2022 — The Campbell River Hospital Foundation’s Annual Because You Care Lottery Tickets are selling fast!  Get your Tickets today to make sure you’re in to win the Grand prize of: $20,000 Cash, 2nd place, two tickets to anywhere in the world that WestJet fly’s  and $1000 Cash,  and 3rd place is 2 nights at Crystal Cove Resort in Tofino and $1,000 Cash.

Your Ticket will help loved ones stay close in times of crisis.

Imagine your loved one needing vital medical care, life-saving surgery, or cancer care.  Now imagine driving more than 200 km to access that care. 

Each day families from North Vancouver Island and the North Coast of BC Travel 4 hours of more to receive medical care at Campbell River Hospital.

During moments of crisis, this travel time combined with finding appropriate accommodation near the hospital can contribute to increased emotional stress and economic stress for both patients and their families. Often time’s people will forgo medical treatment, and when they do visit the hospital their health is at greater risk.

This 10 bedroom home will serve 32 communities and provide a safe, comfortable home away from home for patients and their loved ones seeking medical care that they cannot receive in their home communities.

For more information on how to give your support, please contact us at 250-286-7164.

Thank you to WestJet, The Travel Place/Travel Plus, The Raven 100.7, Peninsula Co-op, and Crystal Cove Resort.

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Only 24 hours left to win BIG for Mental Health!

VANCOUVER, BC, May 26, 2022 — Ticket sales end tomorrow at 1 pm! Don’t miss out on your chance to win BIG for Mental Health, get your Coast Mental Health Foundation’s 50/50 tickets now!

Tickets start from just $10 for one, $25 for 3, $50 for 10, or $100 for 25.

When you play the Coast Mental Health Foundation 50/50 Raffleyou provide urgently needed support for people living with mental illness here in BC and you have a chance of winning up to $120,000!

Your tickets can help folks like Jake.

I don’t know how to describe it,” says Jake, a Coast resident. “But it sure gives you a feeling of relief to have a roof over your head – a home.”

Some folks recovering from severe mental illness benefit from round-the-clock staffing at fully licensed community homes, while others thrive in supported housing or supported independent living.

For Jake, robust supports like 24 hour staffing, daily meals, help with medications, volunteer work and leisure activities, allow him to thrive.

Get your 50/50 tickets today and you can help folks like Jake and you get your chance to take home half the jackpot!

Programs like these are a critical resource for people living with mental illness. You can help.

Tickets start from just $10 – don’t delay, purchase now before they run out.

About Coast Mental Health

As a non-profit organization, Coast Mental Health is BC’s largest provider of community-based services for people living with mental illness. Thanks to supporters like you, we provide the critical link between hospital services and our communities. We are an established leader in our field, known for high quality, innovative programs and research.

Each year, we provide essential services to nearly 6,000 people living with mental illness so they can find their meaningful place in our communities – a place to live, a place to connect, and a place to work.

Thank you for supporting people living with mental illness!


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Enter now to win!

Vancouver, BC, May 26, 2022 — It’s your last chance to qualify for Vancouver Opera’s Third Early Bird! Buy your VO lottery ticket before Midnight on June 1, 2022, for a chance to win $5,000.

The Grand Prize is your choice of a 2022 Audi A4 40 2.0T Komfort Quattro 7SP S Tronic or you can take home $56,413! Tickets are 1 for $40, 3 for $99, 7 for $196 and 11 for $297

The 2022 Audi A4 is the whole package. It expertly blends a fun-to-drive nature with a forgiving ride, giving it sports sedan moves with a luxury-car demeanor, all in a compact size! Perfect for all your summer adventures!

Tickets for the BONUS 50/50 DRAW are also on sale.
50/50 winner takes home half of the jackpot!
Your share could be up to $22,500!

Vancouver Opera is so much more than their main stage performances. They provide musical educational opportunities for students to learn through music and how to create their own works. They support emerging artists, by offering opportunities to learn with industry professionals and practice their craft. They help those living with mental illnesses find ways to express themselves and connect with others through music. Your lottery ticket purchase helps support all their initiatives.

Vancouver Opera creates extraordinary experiences that engage, inspire, and entertain your community through voice, music, and theatre.

Early Bird Ticket Sales End: Wednesday, June 1, 2022, at 11:59 p.m. PDT
Early Bird Draw: Thursday, June 2, 2022, at 3 p.m. PDT

Ticket Sales End: Wednesday, June 29, 2022, at Midnight 
Draw Date:  Thursday, June 30, 2022, at 3 p.m. 

Tickets can be purchased by British Columbia residents over 19 years of age.


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Ontario, May 26, 2022 — Jackpot Already Over $855,000! 

Do you know what you would do with $875,000? If you are this week’s lucky winner your dreams can come true! Ontario’s BIGGEST Catch the Ace Progressive Jackpot is growing by the minute and will continue growing until tonight’s 6 p.m. deadline. The SickKids Jackpot is already over $855,000 and the weekly prize is more than $20,000. Don’t miss out, get your tickets now for your chance to win both of these prizes for as little as $10!

You only have a few hours left to get your tickets and pick your envelope! The weekly prize and the huge Jackpot could be yours if you catch the Ace of Spades. Last week’s winner took home more than $34,000 and didn’t catch the Ace!

Over $5.9 Million in cash prizes have won by Ontarians in SickKids Catch the Ace and there’s much more to come! Get your tickets now and your name could be added to the winners’ list TONIGHT!

Play SickKids Catch the Ace online. It’s a simple and great way to support SickKids.

☑ Visit SickKids Ace – buy your tickets and select your lucky envelope
☑ Follow the prize growth until the draw deadline of 6:00 p.m. Thursday night
☑ If Your ticket is drawn – you WIN 20% of Weekly Sales
☑ If Your lucky envelope contains the Ace of Spades – you also WIN 30% of all campaign sales
☑ Feel good knowing that 50% of all ticket sales go to help build a new SickKids

For more information visit SickKids Ace


SickKids LL#RAF1225735. Charitable Registration #10808 4419 RR0001. Please play responsibly. Ontario Problem Gambling Hotline 1-866-531-2600 or visit ConnexOntario.

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Infinite Gravity® is a registered trademark of Infinite Gravity Digital Media Ltd. The Home Lottery News™ is a trademark of Infinite Gravity® Digital Media Ltd.

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