
BC Lotteries News Articles

Final deadline is this Thursday for the 2017 Hometown Heroes Lottery

2017 Hometown Heroes Lottery

VANCOUVER, BC, July 10, 2017 — Only days remain before the absolute final deadline in the 2017 Hometown Heroes Lottery!  Don’t miss out on getting the hottest tickets in town, with six Grand Prize options including your choice of gorgeous homes or $2.1 million in cash, and a 50/50 Plus™ with a current jackpot over $1,500,000 and still growing!

Tickets in the Heroes Lottery are available for 3 for $75, 6 for $100, or 20 for $275. 50/50 Plus™ tickets are 2 for $15, 6 for $30, or 20 for $60. Daily Cash Plus™ tickets are $20 each or 3 for $40.

Tickets can be ordered online, by mail/fax, in-person at the prize homes, London Drugs, or VGH Hospital, or by phone: 604-648-4376 or toll-free 1-866-597-4376.

Order online or call toll-free 1-866-597-4376 from anywhere in BC and get your tickets today! Or buy in person at any London Drugs in BC, or VGH Hospital.

The winner will choose one prize option; other prize options will not be awarded.

The Absolute Final Deadline is Midnight, Thursday, July 13, 2017.

For a reference list of prizes and details about the lottery including how to purchase tickets, check out our 2017 Hometown Heroes Lottery reference page.

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Absolute Final Deadline Next Week for 2017 Hometown Heroes Lottery

2017 Hometown Heroes Lottery

VANCOUVER, BC, July 6 — There’s only one week left before the absolute final deadline in the 2017 Hometown Heroes Lottery!  Don’t miss out on getting the hottest tickets in town, with six Grand Prize options including your choice of gorgeous homes or $2.1 million in cash, and a 50/50 Plus™ with a current jackpot over $1,400,000 and still growing!

Tickets in the Heroes Lottery are available for 3 for $75, 6 for $100, or 20 for $275. 50/50 Plus™ tickets are 2 for $15, 6 for $30, or 20 for $60. Daily Cash Plus™ tickets are $20 each or 3 for $40.

Tickets can be ordered online, by mail/fax, in-person at the prize homes, London Drugs, or VGH Hospital, or by phone: 604-648-4376 or toll-free 1-866-597-4376.

Order online or call toll-free 1-866-597-4376 from anywhere in BC and get your tickets today! Or buy in person at any London Drugs in BC, or VGH Hospital.

The winner will choose one prize option; other prize options will not be awarded.

The Absolute Final Deadline is Midnight, Thursday, July 13, 2017.

For a reference list of prizes and details about the lottery including how to purchase tickets, check out our 2017 Hometown Heroes Lottery reference page.

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2017 Kamloops YWCA and YMCA Dream Home Lottery Final Draws are July 5th

KAMLOOPS, BC, July 3, 2017 — Sold out 26 days after tickets went on sale, this is a big year for the Kamloops YWCA and YMCA Dream Home Lottery. The final draws are nearing, happening in just two days, on July 5. All 397 winners will be named, including the person taking home the Dream Home. Will it be you? See full article for details and links.

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Winners announced for the 2017 Vancouver Opera Lotteries

VANCOUVER, BC, June 29, 2017 — So, would you take the Jag or the Land Rover or $50,000 cash? What about a Harley Davidson bike or $20,000 cash? The Grand Prize winners in the two Vancouver Opera Lotteries have been announced, along with the 50/50 Bonus Raffle winner. Did you get lucky? See full article for details.

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Hurry! $135,000 Early Bird Deadline Tomorrow for the 2017 Hometown Heroes Lottery!

2017 Hometown Heroes LotteryVANCOUVER, BC, June 28, 2017 — Time’s running out to get your 2017 Hometown Heroes Lottery tickets and be eligible to win the $135,000 Early Bird prize! The winner will choose from three incredible prize options but first, you have to buy your tickets before the deadline, which is midnight on Thursday, June 29, 2017.

Prize option #1 will get you the nod of approval from both your car-enthusiast and eco-friendly friends, as it is the 2017 Tesla Model X 75D!

Or perhaps you care little about cars and a lot about travel, in which case you’ll take the TWELVE $8,000 vacations option that each come with $2,000 cash! Or, take the money and run; you could go far with the $105,000 cash option.

The winner will choose one prize option; other prize options will not be awarded.

The Early Bird deadline is Midnight, June 29, 2017.

Tickets purchased before the Early Bird deadline will also be entered into the Grand Prize/Final Draws in August. For another chance to win cash, you can order tickets to the 50/50 Plus™ and the Daily Cash Plus™ games.

Tickets in the Heroes Lottery are available for 3 for $75, 6 for $100, or 20 for $275. 50/50 Plus™ tickets are 2 for $15, 6 for $30, or 20 for $60. Daily Cash Plus™ tickets are $20 each or 3 for $40.

Tickets can be ordered online, by mail/fax, in-person at the prize homes, London Drugs, or VGH Hospital, or by phone: 604-648-4376 or toll-free 1-866-597-4376.

For a reference list of prizes and details about the lottery including how to purchase tickets, check out our 2017 Hometown Heroes Lottery reference page.

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