
Early Bird #2 deadline is January 28th for the 2018 Oil Barons Dream Home Lottery

FORT McMURRAY, AB, January 22, 2018 — What would you do with $50,000 cash? If you’re the Early Bird #2 winner in the Oil Barons Lottery, then the first thing you’ll probably do is say “Thank GOODNESS I purchased my ticket early!”

Visit the Oil Barons Lottery website for all the details, or order online or by phone at 1-877-791-4496.

The Early Bird #2 deadline is coming up on January 28, and there is a $50,000 cash prize up for grabs! Plus, the winning ticket will be re-entered for the Grand Prize draws, so buying early could literally be a win-win!

Why not grab a Cash 50% Bonus ticket as well? It offers a minimum payout of $136,500 or 50% of total ticket sales (whichever is greater).  Cash 50% tickets must be ordered in conjunction with your main lottery ticket.

For ticket information, including how to order tickets, full prize information, and details on how to reach the lottery’s website, see our 2018 Oil Barons Dream Home Lottery reference page

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