
Alberta Lotteries News Articles

Reminder to check if you’re a winner in the 2017 RDRH Foundation Hospitals Lottery

RED DEER, Alberta, January 24, 2018 — If you haven’t already checked your tickets, now is the time to do it. Historically, the Red Deer Regional Health Foundation’s Lottery starts its annual fundraiser early in the year; you should check your tickets from the previous year’s lottery before the next one begins.

We maintain our own list of the major prize winners for the 2017 RDRH Foundation Hospitals Lottery for reference and research purposes, but want to remind our readers of the time frame to search the complete, official version. Our page also contains a direct link to the searchable list of the 2017 RDRH Foundation Hospitals Lottery winners to make it easy for you.

See the complete article for links to the list of major winner’s and direct links to the RDRH Foundation Lottery winner’s page.

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Don’t Miss the Early Bird Deadline This Friday for the 38th Big Brothers Big Sisters Dream Home Lottery

EDMONTON, AB, January 24, 2018 — Don’t miss out on your chance to win the $30,000 Early Bird in the Big Brothers Big Sisters Dream Home Lottery. The deadline to enter is this Friday, January 26. 

What would you do with $30,000 cash? A sunny winter getaway? Kitchen renovation? Maybe a new vehicle? Dreams become reality with the 38th Big Brothers Big Sisters Dream Home Lottery!

Visit the Dream Home Lottery’s website to order tickets, or order by phone by calling 1-877-483-8832. Tickets start at at $25 each, or in sets of 4 for $60, 10 for $100, or 30 for $200 – that’s only $6.67 each, the best price of any home lottery in Alberta! Win50 tickets are 1 for $5, 10 for $25, or 30 for $50. 

Time’s running out! Order online before the deadline.

This year, the grand prize winner will get their choice of one of two stunning million dollar Dream Homes plus $150,000 Cash! Just one $25 ticket gets you the chance at more amazing prizes than ever – but only if you buy early! There are three cash early birds and a chance at $1,000 a day for 30 days in March.  And, for an extra $5, you could take home up to half a million dollars with our Win50. The Win50 jackpot is now over $524,000 and growing daily!

Visit the Dream Homes Monday to Thursday from 4 pm to 8 pm, and on Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays from noon to 5 pm at 82 & 84 Enchanted Way, St. Albert. And this Friday, the homes have a special opening from 1 pm to 5 pm, with CISN Country onsite as well. 

Every ticket you purchase means kids will continue to benefit from mentoring and after school programs that change their lives.

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Early Bird #2 deadline is January 28th for the 2018 Oil Barons Dream Home Lottery

FORT McMURRAY, AB, January 22, 2018 — What would you do with $50,000 cash? If you’re the Early Bird #2 winner in the Oil Barons Lottery, then the first thing you’ll probably do is say “Thank GOODNESS I purchased my ticket early!”

Visit the Oil Barons Lottery website for all the details, or order online or by phone at 1-877-791-4496.

The Early Bird #2 deadline is coming up on January 28, and there is a $50,000 cash prize up for grabs! Plus, the winning ticket will be re-entered for the Grand Prize draws, so buying early could literally be a win-win!

Why not grab a Cash 50% Bonus ticket as well? It offers a minimum payout of $136,500 or 50% of total ticket sales (whichever is greater).  Cash 50% tickets must be ordered in conjunction with your main lottery ticket.

For ticket information, including how to order tickets, full prize information, and details on how to reach the lottery’s website, see our 2018 Oil Barons Dream Home Lottery reference page

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Reminder to check if you’re a winner in the 2017 STARS Lottery Saskatchewan

SASKATCHEWAN, January 17, 2018 — If you haven’t already checked your tickets, now is the time to do it. Historically, the Saskatchewan STARS Lottery starts its annual fundraiser early in the year; you should check your tickets from the previous year’s lottery before the next one begins.

We maintain our own list of the major prize winners for the 2017 Saskatchewan STARS Lottery for reference and research purposes, but want to remind our readers of the time frame to search the complete, official version. Our page also contains a direct link to the searchable list of the 2017 Saskatchewan STARS Lottery winners to make it easy for you.

See the complete article for links to the list of major winner’s and direct links to the STARS Lottery winner’s page.

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Deadline Tomorrow for the $50,000 Loyalty Draw in the 38th Big Brothers Big Sisters Dream Home Lottery

EDMONTON, AB, January 11, 2018 — Don’t miss tomorrow’s deadline for the Big Brothers Big Sisters Dream Home Lottery’s $50,000 Loyalty draw! 

What would you do with $50,000 cash? A nice, long, tropical vacation? Home renovations? A new RV? The choice is yours!

Only hours remain until the deadline, so visit the Dream Home Lottery’s website to order tickets, or order by phone by calling 1-877-483-8832.

Remember, the Dream Home Lottery offers a choice between TWO gorgeous Million Dollar Dream Homes, plus $150,000 cash! And the Win50 jackpot is now over $400,000, and could grow to $1 million. Winner takes half!

For reference information and recent news articles, visit our reference pages about the 38th Big Brothers Big Sisters Dream Home Lottery.

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