LONDON, ON, June 2, 2017 — The three Grand Prize options are pretty spectacular in the 2017 Spring London Dream Home Lottery (just check out the Bridlewood Dream Home), but have you checked out the $100,000 in Early Bird prizes yet? This is an extra draw that only early buyers will be eligible for; make sure to order your tickets before the deadline this coming Thursday, June 8 at midnight. The draw will be on Thursday, June 22, 2017.
Dream Lottery tickets are sold at two for $50, six for $100, 16 for $250, or 35 for $500. Grab two 50/50 tickets for $15, six for $30, or 20 for $60. Prize Calendar tickets are five for $20 and 20 for $40.
Order your tickets online, or call 519-488-7100 or toll-free 1-866-802-4117
There will be six winners. The main Early Bird will have their pick between three luxury vehicles or the $45,000 cash option. So, would you choose the Lexus NX 200T (valued at $58,762.15) OR the BMW (valued at $50,142.02) OR the Lincoln MKC (valued at $52,192.77)?
The other five Early Birds will be rewarded with the priceless experience of travel, with a $10,000 Nexion Travel Gift Certificate for each winner (or $8,000 cash). Costa Rica, Northern Ireland, Indonesia, Italy… these are just a few ideas!
For reference information and details on how to reach the lottery’s website and buy tickets, please see our reference page.
Dream Lottery LL: 8727 50/50 LL: 8728 CL LL: 8729