EDMONTON, ALBERTA, June 16, 2022 — There is only 1 WEEK LEFT to win two beautiful dream homes and 1,000’s of luxury prizes! Surround yourself with vibrant colours and rich textures in the California-style luxury home worth $2.4 Million or feel the warmth and comfort of a modern farmhouse worth $1.6 Million.
This year, Full House Lottery tickets will support northern Alberta’s two largest hospitals. The Royal Alex and University Hospitals care for more patients than any others in the region.
Tickets are $100 each, 3 for $250, 5 for $375, 10 for $575, or the best deal: 15 for $750.
This is your final week to get tickets for the Bonus Prize. Deadline is midnight June 23, 2022.
Full House Lottery
Lottery license numbers: 587981, 587982, 587983.